Page 52 of Betrayed
Greer hated nothing quite so much as he hated driving away from Emery’s house. It felt like he was giving up on her. It felt like his heart was being ripped from his chest.
They made it home late that night. His dad had driven most of the way while Greer dozed off and on. When they got home, his mom and aunt had far too much food waiting for him, and all of his family showed up that evening. It was rough. He loved them, but he was too messed up over Emery to converse and be normal with his family. None of them would believe all the tender words he’d said to Emery. Sadly spilling his heart hadn’t brought her to him.
When his family finally left, he fell into bed and was asleep almost instantly. The next day, Greer went back to his life. At least, he went through the motions. Nothing was any fun without her. Even his animals seemed depressed. He listened to his five-foot-nine song over and over again.
Two long, dreary weeks passed. His family came by often and he appreciated it more than he could express, but he didn’t stray from his property except for Sunday services.
He was depressed, but what did everyone expect? He’d had a fun, talkative, beautiful, perfect angel in his life for nine days, and he’d lost her. How was he supposed to deal with that?
Papa came by one night and told him they’d found an interesting connection. The Voice had been identified as Nelson Palmer, Admiral Seamons’s aide or “flag officer” as they were known. That was shocking, but it made sense. The guy must’ve discovered information somehow from Admiral Seamons about the secret and decided he wanted to have it.
Nelson Palmer was also Flynn Wright’s biological father. The story had been pieced together, with some help from Colby Newman in his prison cell. Colby had been more talkative after he heard Nelson was dead. Apparently he, Travis, and Flynn had been hired by some unknown source and paid a million dollars up front with the promise of five more if they found the weapon. Flynn had admitted to Colby that it was his father who had hired them under all the cloak and dagger because he wanted to give Flynn a chance to be successful and he wanted to have a relationship with him.
Crazy stuff. Admiral Seamons of course was stunned and denied any connection to Nelson Palmer going after the secret, but Papa would have to keep a close eye on his friend. Maybe everything would settle in their valley for a bit. Greer hoped so. He never wanted to so much as point a gun at anyone for the rest of his life, but he’d do what he had to do to protect his family and the secret.
All he really wanted was his five-nine, brown-eyed, sundress-wearing, synonym-spouting beauty who talked too much and made him laugh to appear.
The sun was gone behind the mountains. Greer rested his forearms on the corral and stared at the lake and the mountains beyond. Chandler had a lacrosse game tonight. Would Bentley come? He hoped so. Bentley’s visits weren’t consistent, but Greer could sure use some company tonight. He’d gotten far too used to having Emery around. He couldn’t stop himself from thinking of the lacrosse game Emery had watched with them. Bentley had pushed her against Greer and he’d held her close throughout the game. They’d shared their first kiss that night. His lips tingled at the memory.
He sensed movement to his right. Straightening, he rested his hand on his .500. A flash of pink came through the trees.
His heart slammed against his ribcage. The flashes became solid and suddenly there she was. An angel walking toward him from the forest trail wearing a pink and white floral sundress that revealed her tanned neck, shoulders, and legs. Her long, dark hair curled down her back and her brown eyes sparkled at him.
Greer wanted to run to her, but he doubted his suddenly shaking legs would carry him. He leaned against the corral and just stared at perfection walking his way.
She reached him, gave him a flirtatious smile, and tossed her long hair. “Greer Delta. Are you speechless? That’s a first.”
He laughed. Then he straightened away from the fence and stared at her in awe. “You look like an angel.”
“Oh, so you weren’t sure if it was a human or an otherworldly being coming out of the mountains toward you?” She winked. “Papa helped me set it up. I thought about carrying a boombox playing our song, but that might’ve been a little tacky.”
He smiled. His eyes drank in the sight of her.
“So …” She took a breath and looked more serious. “I’ve been talking with my pastor, Papa, and the good Lord above.”
She’d been talking to Papa?
“And every one of them seems to agree that you’re the best man any of us knows.”
Greer’s stomach flip-flopped.
“I need to backtrack a bit.” Pressing her lips together, she admitted, “When you shot the Voice to protect me, I was sick and angry, but I loved you for it. When Alivia told me her side of the story, it hit me hard. Travis changed, and he became capable of murder. I hate that for him, and I’m sorry you had to kill him to protect Alivia and Klein.”
“I’m sorry too.” Words couldn’t express how sorry he was.
“I know you are.” She took a deep breath. “The Voice originally gave me a video of Travis saying he loved me and his country. The video cut off but Papa Delta found the entire video in the Voice’s computer.” She swallowed and tears made her eyes bright. Greer wanted to hold her, but he sensed she needed to get this out. “It was awful to see. Travis said, ‘I’m coming to realize nobody really honors or cares about vets. You get some token programs or cuts on insurance and house loans, but that’s it. I’ve found a way to change my future. When I get all the money, I’m going to send you some. But I’ll never see you again. I love you. You’re the only family I ever had and ever needed. Take care, sis.’”
She wiped at her tears. Was this Greer’s moment to hold her? Before he could act on the impulse, she kept talking.
“I hated watching that, but it was the closure I needed. The brother I knew and loved was gone before he died. He let himself get bitter and dark and he changed for the worse. I only pray Jesus can heal him on the other side.”
Greer nodded. “I’ll pray for that too.”
“I know you will.” Silence fell for a few moments, and then she looked him over. “You look like you haven’t slept in two weeks.”