Page 18 of Devoted
She blushed. “Sorry, a Maddie saying.”
“Maddie’s funny.”
“She is.” Esther adored Maddie. Everybody did. Esther often wondered what it would be like to be carefree, artistic, and adorable like Maddie. Esther had heard herself described as pragmatic, brilliant, and classy. She and her cousin were polar opposites. Esther was comfortable with those descriptors of herself and grateful most people didn’t know how jumbled she felt inside.
Reed dropped the truck into gear and swung a circle around the parking lot. The silence was stilted between them. Finally, they pulled into her canyon and then into Thor’s driveway. It was awkward to tell a handsome, irresistible man that you needed to pee, but it was the perfect excuse. She didn’t wait for him to open her door, but jumped out and started for the front porch.
Reed hurried out and easily caught her. She all but ran for the front door, grabbing the handle and turning back to him. She found she couldn’t hold eye contact. “Thanks for the fun date.”
He nodded. “Could I take you out on Monday?”
She startled and couldn’t resist staring at him. “You want to take me out again?”
He gave her a crooked smile that melted her heart. “Do I ever.” He looked her over and then stepped in closer. He was so confident, so incredible. She had no clue how to resist him. “I want date number three, number four, number five …” His voice lowered. “I want every date you’ll give me, sweetheart.”
Esther swallowed. Did he know? Someone had told him she only did three dates. Thor or her mom, probably. She knew they both loved her and wanted her to fall in love with someone amazing like Reed. Her parents never agreed with her when she tried to explain she wasn’t just protecting herself but also the men who were interested in her when she limited their interactions to three dates.
She couldn’t hold Reed’s gaze. “You aren’t obligated to date me any longer. The issue with Garret is resolved. I truly appreciate your help.” Her voice was far too formal, but she needed distance.
Reed rested his hand on the door next to her head, and she couldn’t resist getting lost in those deep-brown eyes of his. “Oh, Esther, Ineedto date you more than you’ll ever know.”
Her eyes widened and her stomach filled with warmth. He needed to date her. He seemed to be gone over her. Someday, could she honestly be Mrs. Esther Delta-Peterson? She loved the ring of that in her mind.Mrs. Esther Delta-Peterson. It was beautiful. She could imagine it on her email signature and her office door. She wanted to write it down.
Suddenly, her stomach pitched and chills pricked her arms. She was doing it again. Holy Hades! She could not be doing the stupid name thing with Reed. She’d cured herself of that after Roman.
“I need to …” She pushed the door open and ducked under his arm. She had to escape, or she’d tell him he could have every date for the rest of her life. She’d tell him she wanted his last name hyphenated with hers. She’d kiss him and tell him about her issues and then …
And then the smart, impressive Sheriff would withdraw. She’d start to freak out and call and text and hunt him down. It would be all over. She couldn’t stand to think of the pity that would fill Reed’s deep-brown eyes if he knew what was wrong with her and what she’d done to Roman. He’d stop claiming he needed to date her and seek a restraining order.
That would be much better than seeing him with blood blossoming on his chest from a bullet wound and her freezing and not saving him.
“Pee. I know.” He smiled, so kind, so understanding, so dang appealing. “I’ll pick you up Monday at five.”
Esther should’ve stopped this. She needed to stop this. Instead, she let her scrambled brain rationalize. She gave other men three dates. Why not the man of her dreams? Had he really told her she was the woman of his dreams? Had he really said he was in love with her or was her frenzied mind hearing things that weren’t there?
She had to get out of here or she’d push him back against the porch railing and kiss him. “Thanks again,” she managed, hurrying into the house.
“I’ll see you Monday,” he said before the door shut.
Esther loved how strong he was. How he took charge. Many men were intimidated by her success, her brain, her looks, or her military training. Not Reed. He could stand by her side and be a man.
But he also wanted to fix whatever was hurting her. She’d seen that in his eyes when she’d grasped his shirt at the waterfall and demanded he not ask questions. He’d agreed because he was strong but also kind. He hadn’t wanted to agree, and she never wanted him to know everything, to know what was wrong inside.
She took a deep breath and hurried up the stairs to the bathroom attached to her guest bedroom. Monday. She’d see him Monday. Their last date. She wondered what he’d plan. She could hardly wait. Would it be wrong to give him one more kiss? A kiss goodbye? Then she’d have to beg Papa for some kind of reassignment. She’d go to Chicago, shadow Admiral Seamons and anyone he associated with, and protect the secret that way. Heck, she’d go to Banida if her grandfather and parents would let her and go figure out a way to take down Commander Frederick. She smiled to herself, knowing her family would never let her near that level of danger.
She had to escape somewhere. She didn’t know that she could stay in Summit Valley and stay immune to the hot sheriff. Ah, Reed. For years, everything had been under control. Until he came along.
Esther Delta-Peterson. The words floated beautifully around in her mind.
She smacked her own forehead. What was she thinking?
Reed about went insane the next day and a half. Simply adding up his credits and deficits, he was pretty certain Esther was not interested in him. He’d completely blown it by saying he knew and loved her on the drive up to the waterfall and then telling her he was going to kiss her and was crazy about her while they were under that waterfall. He was too transparent and too invested in her. He had no idea how to change. It was like he was finally getting his shot and he was blowing it. Should he have just claimed her lips and kissed her under the waterfall? He’d wanted to, and normally he didn’t ask to kiss a woman because he could easily read they were into him, but this was Esther. If she’d been damaged by some idiot, he had to be gentle and move slowly with her.
He saw her at church on Sunday, but he’d only caught her staring at him twice before his phone buzzed and he had to go help with a mountain bike wreck up at the ski resort. Compound fracture of the tibia. It was ugly, and he was grateful for their competent paramedics.
Monday, he worked and tried to brainstorm what would be the best date of Esther’s life. Would she really ditch him after three dates? What was that all about? Her mom had confirmed with his mom that Thor was correct and that was the pattern she’d followed since her sophomore year of college.