Page 37 of Devoted
His dark eyes stared into hers, and their pacing slowed and then stopped.
“If he has any other reply, you have to give me a kiss,” he repeated quietly.
Esther’s heart beat high and fast. “So basically there are a million responses out there he could give and where you will win this bet.”
Reed gave her a slow grin. “Yes, ma’am. But you and I both know he probably texted exactly what you think he did. I’ve heard him say that line a hundred times to Aiden.”
Esther tried to slow her breathing. Reed was right. Thor’s twin Aiden was in the SEALs and they rarely saw him. Thor held out hope Aiden would make his wedding but Aiden had made no promises. Both of her brothers had loved that stupid movie and quoted it all the time.
The bet was fine and a fun way to keep their minds distracted. Reed was simply teasing with her, and Thor was helping them get through this weird time by sending funny texts. She knew her brother well, and she knew Reed was probably right. Thor would’ve texted back,none taken. She absolutely knew he would. A foot rub sounded like heaven right now, and she’d just keep it from getting too … personal. It would be fine.
“Okay,” she heard herself say.
Reed’s grin got even bigger, crinkling his eyes and the skin around his mouth.
She pulled out her phone, chagrined that her fingers were trembling. This was the exact opposite of her usual control, but instead of being concerned, she felt alive and invigorated. Even the thought of kissing Reed again had her pulse racing. Their kiss on the sidewalk not that many days ago had been to get Garret off her back and shouldn’t have been incredible with his deputies, Garret, and who knew how many other people watching, but it had been. It had been impossibly incredible. In the spa the other night, their lips had barely gotten tangled before Gavin had interrupted. She wanted to kiss him again, wanted it so badly that she found herself hoping Thor hadn’t given the standard response. It wasn’t smart and it would lead to heartache for both of them, but she ached to feel his mouth take possession of hers again.
She swiped up and clicked on the text app. Thor’s text stream was still open, and his answer made her jaw drop wide.
Plenty of offense taken. You’ll be the pathetic loser if you don’t kiss Reed.
She blinked and looked at Reed. Luckily, he wasn’t craning his neck to read their texts or he’d see Thor’s other text telling her that he wouldn’t watch while she kissed Reed as well as this one. She would accuse him and Reed of setting this up, but she didn’t believe Reed had seen either text.
“What did he say?” Reed had a look of anticipation and hope on his face. She loved that he wasn’t looking at the text. She could lie to him … but she wouldn’t.
She drew in a breath and admitted, “He said ‘plenty of offense taken’.”
Reed’s eyes widened and then he let out a whoop. It was adorable how excited he was. If it was possible for a tough, handsome, smart sheriff to look adorable.
“Now, sweetie.” She backed up, mind racing to think of a way to save herself. “Let’s just calm down here for a minute.”
Her phone was beeping texts, but she wasn’t about to look at them. Reed matched her step for step, coming toward her like the alpha male he was, tough and irresistible and ready to claim his prize.
“Now, sweetie,” he repeated in a husky drawl. “A bet’s a bet. I’ve never known a Delta to go back on their word.”
Her heart was racing so fast she put a hand on her chest. She backed into the side wall and stopped. Reed stopped too, giving her a few feet as if he didn’t want to make her feel trapped, but the way he was looking at her … whew. He could start a forest fire with that look.
“Reed, honey, I do keep my word, but …” What could she say? She’d made the stupid bet, and she wanted his kiss. She just didn’t know how to deal with the aftermath. She bit at her lip.
He let out a low groan. “Love … if you keep doing that, I’m going to kiss you without your permission.”
Esther’s eyes widened, both at how taken he seemed to be with her and the fact that he would still wait for her permission before he kissed her. “You’re not going to just claim your prize? You’ll still wait for my permission?”
He was so confident and strong, but Reed could obviously sense how stirred up she was inside, that she’d gone through something horrific in the past, and he would never take advantage of her in any way.
He smiled softly. “I might tease you about not fulfilling our bet”—his smile slid away—“but I want you towantto kiss me, Esther. I want you to want it as badly as I do.”
Her stomach did a flip-flop and her entire body felt full of fire and longing. She was terrified to say the words that could eventually break her in two, but she wanted to kiss Reed. The desire for him seemed to consume her, and she told herself she could deal with the emotional rollercoaster … later.
Before she could second-guess herself for the hundredth time, she admitted, “I want to kiss you so badly it’s all I can think about.”
Reed’s dark eyes reflected the same longing she felt inside. Then a slow smile tilted his appealing lips.
She quivered, anticipation thrumming through her body. This was going to be the kiss to end all kisses. She knew it, and she couldn’t stand the wait for one more second. She leaned toward him.
Reed turned, and he walked away from her.
What was happening? Esther leaned against the wall for support. Disappointment and the need to be in Reed’s arms made her weak. Was he going to kiss her, or not? She couldn’t handle all the emotions ripping through her for much longer.