Page 10 of Endangered
“What? How? Why?” he demanded, rapid firing questions she probably had no answers to. Most of his hopes and dreams of reconnecting with Kylee were pushed to the side.
“I have no idea, but they said something about a private jet registered in a man’s name who had no terrorist or criminal activity. Think about it. It wouldn’t be that hard to sneak into America on a private plane. I’ve flown into private airports. No security and the pilot checks your passport.”
“I guess you’re right. I should call Papa and let him know. Do you have a time frame?”
“No, but there’s more.”
His palms were sweating against the steering wheel. He checked the rearview again, not seeing anything suspicious. He’d been trained throughout his youth on how to fight with his hands and with a variety of weapons. He’d been trained in hostage and kidnapping situations, first aid, tracking, and high-speed chases. He was a Delta and instinctively he should’ve been all over this dangerous situation, but the fact was he’d spent his free time throughout high school, college and since playing lacrosse. His lacrosse career was his passion and his talent. He wished Aiden was here.
“Okay,” he prompted her.
“So I hope I’m wrong about this, but basically the guy promised that because of her support and inside information, he would give Mimi two days' lead time before Frederick decimates the U.S. with his arsenal of nuclear weapons.”
Chandler’s stomach turned over. There were a lot of rumors that Frederick had nuclear weapons, but to his knowledge, nobody had confirmed or denied it. “You think he’d dare? You think he even has them?”
“I do.” She nodded. “The guy claimed he’s been procuring and even building nukes for years, and after he gets his hands on the Delta weapon, it’s lights out for America.”
Chandler knew there was no way to defend from an all-out nuclear attack. The U.S. hoped their huge arsenal of weapons would keep them safe from an enemy daring to fire. It was simply a deterrent. “But we’d fire on them from our bases throughout the world,” he pointed out.
“They’re planning on that. The weapons that the U.S. bases get off before they’re destroyed, and the nukes that are based outside the continental U.S., will target Frederick’s known locations in Banida, Germany, and Poland, but Frederick, his leaders, and a good portion of his army will be far away when that happens. He doesn’t care about the men he has to leave behind, the innocent people he kills, or the long-term effects of radiation.”
“That’s even more terrifying.”
“It is,” she agreed.
All the visions of simply passing on some tip she had to Papa and then getting the dream woman of his teenage years alone, having her tell him she was wrong for writing him off and him forgiving her, and then effortlessly picking up the incredible relationship they’d been developing ten years ago evaporated. This was much more serious than he’d envisioned. This was the end of the world, World War III, with everyone and everything he knew and loved blasted off the planet kind of serious.
Sheesh. Chandler just liked to run fast, dodge, push, use impressive foot work and stick-handling skills so he could shoot a small ball at a goal. He didn’t want to face this. At the same time, he’d known since he was a child that something like this could come his way. He’d been prepared for everything, including world-ending catastrophes.
Now to remember that training, keep Kylee safe, and help save the world.
“And he also thinks whatever the Delta family weapon is will not only protect him but make him the most powerful man on earth. Even more powerful than taking out America. He thinks China, North Korea, Russia, and any other countries with nuclear weapons or any kind of military force will bow to him when he has the Delta weapon.”
Chandler saw the exit for the Boston-Logan Airport ahead. He buzzed over to the right lane, only earning one angry honk.
“Is he right?” she asked.
He sped off the exit and had to admit, “I have no idea. I don’t even know if it’s a weapon.”
“What?Porcaria!I thought the Deltas at least knew what it was.”
He shook his head, feeling a little inept and a lot helpless. “Only Papa and whoever the Secret Keeper is.” Chandler had always been grateful that he wasn’t the Secret Keeper, as he couldn’t have pursued his passion for lacrosse. That was a level of responsibility he thought Colton, Esther, or maybe Aiden should take on, but so far nobody had claimed that knowledge.
“Dang. It would help a lot if we knew what the weapon was capable of. The only good news is if your family can keep him from the Delta weapon, he won’t kill hundreds of millions of Americans.”
This was insane, and horrifying. Chandler mulled over what to do as he followed the signs for rental cars. He didn’t know if he should tell her, but the truth was he wasn’t even certain it was a weapon. It could be the holy grail, the arc of the covenant, or a cure for chemical warfare for all he knew. Papa had never said the word “weapon” in regard to the secret. Only outsiders had called it that.
“Are we getting on a plane?”
“I don’t think so yet. Your grandparents could easily track us then, as we’d have to use your I.D. for a commercial flight. Let’s change cars, get Papa’s advice, and then go find somewhere to stay tonight. You’re probably exhausted.”
“I am,” she admitted.
“Why didn’t you just contact Papa Delta again after you overheard the info?”
She bit at a fingernail and looked so appealing he got distracted. They ran into a slow-moving line of vehicles trying to get into the rental car return. He didn’t appreciate the delay, but he was able to stop the car and look at her. He appreciated that opportunity.
“When I called him,” she said, “less than two months ago, I started feeling like someone was tailing me and Mimi got meaner with me than ever. I’m pretty sure she has my phone tapped.”