Page 21 of Endangered
They drove through gorgeous mountain scenery and finally passed through the picturesque Summit Valley before heading up the narrow canyon to the Deltas’ very own valley. Kylee sighed audibly when she saw the too-blue lake, the high, green mountains, and the gorgeous houses. There was a newer house, barn, and corral about half a mile around the side of the lake that they explained was Greer’s. Melene pointed toward the trees and told her Thor, Alivia, and Colton all had homes up in the trees. Alivia and her fiancé Klein had built all the recent homes and updated Papa’s, Myrna and Keith’s, and Holly and Joseph’s homes.
How would it be to live in such an ideal spot, surrounded by not only nature’s beauty but numerous family members who loved you and had your back? Kylee’s only family were Grandpa and Mimi, and apparently they both hated her. She reached for her necklace again, only to find her neck bare. Swallowing back the emotion, she could hardly believe the jade necklace she’d worn since her parents passed was actually a tracking device. If she saw her grandfather, she would scream at him. She’d always thought he was on her side. The hurt was deep and raw.
They unloaded from the vehicle and a small crowd of people hurried down the porch steps to greet them—Papa Delta along with Aiden’s twin Thor, Chandler’s Aunt Holly and Uncle Joseph, and his cousin Colton and a beautiful brunette. If she remembered right, this was Papa’s house.
Everybody started hugging each other and Kylee as well. She should’ve felt like an outsider at this family reunion, but they all were far too inclusive. They explained everyone else was either at work, patrolling to protect the secret, or watching monitors and she would see them soon. She met Colton’s girlfriend Bailey, who was also from Chicago, and they got chatting about favorite places to eat and trails to walk.
“Come inside.” Papa gestured. “I’m sure you’re all starving. We saved lunch.” He looked at Kylee. “You and Chandler will stay here with me, and Aiden and Melene will stay with Joseph and Myrna. Do you have a bag, my dear?”
Kylee shook her head. “If I had a bag, I wouldn’t be dressed like this.” She gestured to herself and made the mistake of glancing at Chandler. His gaze was hot on her and made her eyes widen. She involuntarily stepped back, running into his dad.
Everyone else laughed as Bailey and Melene both assured her she looked great.
“No worries, sweetie,” Myrna said. “We’ve got plenty of clothes and toiletries. We’ll get a bunch together and bring them to your room.”
“Thank you.”
They walked into Papa’s spacious living area, sat around the table and the huge bar, and ate a creamy potato and veggie soup and Monte Cristo sandwiches with the best raspberry jelly she’d ever had as Kylee and Chandler repeated their story again. Kylee was getting tired of telling it, but she pushed that selfish thought away. This was a huge deal and these people were going to protect her nation against a depraved lunatic. She could at the very least share any detail she could think of. Papa seemed very disturbed by her grandpa being the one who’d given her the jade necklace. He’d obviously hoped it was all Mimi too.
They finished eating, cleaned up, and Papa Delta said, “Now, we’ll keep brainstorming and have a family meeting with everyone not on duty tonight after dinner. Kylee and Chandler, would you both like to get settled in your rooms and take a nap? You both look exhausted, and we need you fresh to discuss our plans to stop Frederick.”
Kylee appreciated his kindness, but her face flushed. Great. Not only were her clothes skin tight, but she also looked exhausted.
“Sure,” Chandler said.
She nodded.
“I’ll show her the guest rooms,” Chandler offered.
“We’ll get some clothes and toiletries together for you,” Myrna reaffirmed.
None of their clothes are going to fit you.
Bud’ spokoyen.She didn’t know much in Russian, but of course she’d learned “be quiet”. She hoped it would somehow shut down the hateful voice someday, but maybe she needed to come up with a different strategy.
“Thank you.” Kylee looked around the room, ignoring the Mimi jab. These people were all far too good-looking, smart, and tough for anybody’s good, but they didn’t act like they were better than her. Unlike Mimi and her circle of friends, the Deltas seemed intent on building Kylee up and being far too kind. They were impressive in so many ways, most of all Chandler, but she had to keep her distance from him and shield her heart.
“Thank you for taking me in and taking this weight off my shoulders,” she said, looking around the room. “I was so terrified when I overheard Mimi and that man, but I knew if anyone could save the world, it would be the Delta family.” She’d learned that from her grandfather. She was questioning a lot about Grandpa Seamons right now, but she thought he was dead-on about how brilliant and remarkable the Deltas were.
Most of them smiled graciously, but Thor pushed his hand through the air. “Oh, go on. You’ll give me a big head.”
“Too late,” Aiden said.
“I’ll give you a sore head.” Thor sprang at his twin, ripping him away from Melene.
They started wrestling right there in the living room. Nobody seemed to find that odd at all, and Joseph and Keith each chose a twin and started placing bets and cheering for them.
Chandler ignored them and walked up to her. “Sorry. We can’t take them anywhere.”
His mom laughed. “Boys, right?” She bustled off toward the back door. “I’m going to gather the perfect clothes for that gorgeous shape of yours,” she said to Kylee with a wink.
Kylee waved a hand, her cheeks hot. Gorgeous shape? Maybe all these people preferred an excess of bust and hips. If she asked, would one of J. Lo’s movies and Beyonce’s songs be their favorites as well?
Chandler gestured her toward the front entry. She stood from her barstool and walked with him. As they started up the grand staircase, he explained, “Papa’s master bedroom is on the main level and downstairs we have rooms for Delta Protection Detail purposes. You’ll probably see those when we brainstorm tonight. Up here, there are four guest suites. You can have your pick.”
They reached the top of the stairs and she poked her head in the first door. It was beautiful with wide windows showcasing the lake and mountains, a dresser and comfortable-looking leather armchair and footrest, and a large bed with a soft-looking comforter and pillows. An open door revealed a bathroom with a tile floor and a marble counter.
“It’s a beautiful house,” she said, turning back to face him.