Page 26 of Endangered
The cleanup went quickly and before he knew it, Chandler was walking through Papa’s house next to Kylee, headed for the basement and the conference room. It suddenly felt like they were walking to their doomsday. He could almost hear the music cueing some creepy tune. If only he could sweep her away from all of this. She was safer here with his family than anywhere on the planet. Until they asked her to go risk her life. At least they knew if they could keep Frederick from obtaining the secret, he wouldn’t launch his nukes. Even that insane masochist didn’t want to risk destroying the fabled “Delta weapon.”
Chandler wasn’t one to question authority. He’d been respectful of his parents, grandparents, coaches, teachers, and church leaders all his life. At the moment, he felt a desperate need to first tell Papa that Kylee would not be involved in any crazy scheme to take down Frederick. Chandler would spirit her away to a Caribbean island that nobody cared to bomb and protect her there.
Second, he wanted to know what the secret was. He and his siblings and cousins teased and discussed, and no subject was taboo … except the secret and the secret keeper. Occasionally he’d had a private conversation speculating with one of them but mostly they all knew to their core that if they couldn’t trust Papa, the world might as well end. So when their beloved Papa said he couldn’t reveal the secret, none of them had questioned that. To his knowledge. Now Chandler felt driven to know and understand what they were sacrificing so much for. What was so important that a dangerous dictator would hold off on his plans of world domination to obtain it? His family had all promised to protect this secret, and they didn’t even know what it was.
“You okay?” Kylee looked up at him as they reached the bottom of the basement steps.
“Not really,” he admitted.
“I can feel the stress radiating off you.”
He stopped and looked down at her. “And to think yesterday morning my biggest stress was if we’d go into the playoffs with a win.”
She studied him. “I’m sorry I brought this on you. On your family.”
“Oh, Kylee, no.” Chandler shook his head. “If you hadn’t brought your message, we’d all be in infinitely more danger. I just want to keep you safe.” He couldn’t resist gathering her close and hugging her.
Kylee melted against him. “Thank you, Chandler. I feel safe with you.” She looked up, her dark gaze full of him.
Without her heels on, she didn’t reach his shoulder. He could easily remedy that. He lifted her off her feet and bowed his head to kiss her.
“Sheesh! Not you two as well. Do any of my brothers know the meaning of making out in private?” Aiden’s voice was far too close.
Chandler lowered Kylee’s feet to the ground and released her, turning to glare at his brother and Melene. Sadly, it was impossible to glare at Melene. She was so altruistic and charitable you’d have to be a devil to not react positively to her sweetness.
“Ooh, the look. He’s giving us the look.” Aiden walked past, holding Melene’s hand.
Chandler barely restrained himself from punching him. “Sorry,” he muttered to Kylee.
She looked unsteady and confused. “It’s okay. I probably shouldn’t anyway.” She bit at her lip and he was the one confused now.
“Shouldn’t?” Shouldn’t kiss him? Why in the heck not? They really needed to have a thorough chat about how he was not a player, and if she hadn’t written him off at sixteen, they’d probably have one of those long distance high school sweetheart straight to marriage kind of stories.
Uncle Joseph and Aunt Holly walked past, giving them kind smiles but saying nothing.
He looked back up the stairs, but it was quiet. A loud rumble was coming from the conference room. They were probably the only ones left out here.
“We’d better get in there,” Kylee said, as if noticing the same thing.
“Kylee.” Chandler moved quickly and pinned her against the wall. Her eyes widened and her mouth looked soft and kissable. He wanted to kiss her but keeping her safe, and hopefully someday gaining her trust, was infinitely more important. “This meeting is going to be hard, but I am going to be there for you, no matter what.”
She blinked up at him. “Thank you, Chandler.”
“And after all this settles, I want to spend more time with you. I want to date you. I want to show you I’m not a player.”
She blinked up at him and he wasn’t sure if she believed him. He wanted to groan in frustration, but he held her gaze, willing her to know he was sincere. She was the right woman for him. He’d known it as a sixteen-year-old, and being around her again had only solidified it.
“Chandler? Kylee?” Papa’s voice was soft, but he was obviously waiting for them.
“Coming.” Chandler kept his gaze on her. He was out of time to convince her to date him, but he had to tell her right now. “And please remember you can tell Papa no. You do what is right for you, not for the Delta secret.”
She licked her lips and nodded. He could feel her trembling. He didn’t blame her for being nervous. He was terrified about countless things. What was going to happen with the nightmare Frederick was creating was high on the list, but above it was whether he could ever convince Kylee to trust and love him.
Chandler took Kylee’s hand and led her into his family meeting. She couldn’t stop trembling. Chandler probably thought it was because she was scared of what was to come, but the real reason was how he affected her. She still loved him, just as she had as a silly teenager. It was even stronger now and she would be stupider than her teenage self to fall for him again, especially as the world might end tomorrow.
Yet if the world ended tomorrow, why wouldn’t she take a few delicious kisses from Chandler to take with her on her walk to the pearly gates? Could she and Chandler develop a relationship in the next life? Without social media, lacrosse, Delta secrets, evil dictators, and all the women throwing themselves at him? What a weird question to have at this moment.