Page 34 of Endangered
Chandler was flying high the next morning from his kisses with Kylee. He’d finally let her get some rest, but she’d seemed as reluctant to pull away as he had. Did she care for him as deeply as he did for her? The only thing he would change about last night was he wished she’d responded to him when he’d bared his soul and been vulnerable, told her he was scared to get hurt again and told her she was the only woman for him. He knew she struggled with confidence and accepting compliments. Could he build her up and somehow show her all that he saw in her? She wasn’t just gorgeous physically—her insides were beautiful too. She was pure, kind, and somehow unspoiled despite how awful her grandmother was.
The day went far too fast, and they were surrounded by people all the time. They had a big breakfast, then Papa wanted Colton and Bailey to help Chandler as he worked with Kylee on self-defense. That was a hit to his pride, which was silly. Colton was a successful doctor, but until he met Bailey last spring, he’d only focused on medicine and training to protect the secret. Chandler had shifted his focus to lacrosse at ten years old and though he’d tried to keep up with Delta protection, it hadn’t been his top priority.
They actually had fun working with and teasing with Colton and Bailey. Papa had told them the tailor would sew in pockets to the dress that would be hidden at Kylee’s hips as the dress would have more padding in the hips and chest to accentuate her small waist.
Kylee had muttered something about her huge chest and hips, but nobody but Chandler and Bailey, who were closest to her, had heard. Papa had continued speaking about the secret pocket underneath the actual pockets that would have a knife in it. So they’d worked on training with knives as well.
Before he knew it, lunchtime had come and a lot of the family were around to talk and tease with. He couldn’t get Kylee alone to tell her that her hips were perfect. He didn’t dare say anything about her perfect chest. He knew the thin shape was in right now, but for him Kylee’s generous curves were so appealing he had trouble thinking straight if he let himself focus on her shape too much.
After lunch, the tailor arrived and his mom and Kylee went into a bedroom with the guy from Denver. Papa trusted him not to ask questions. Chandler needed a little time to think and knew she’d be at least an hour, so he told Thor he was going on a quick trail run.
“Trying to clear your head?” Thor asked knowingly.
“Sadly yes. Kylee’s got me all stirred up.”
“Good woman.” Thor slapped him on the back. “Don’t worry, bro. She’s into you. She’s had a pretty rough time with her grandmother. It’ll take time to build up her confidence, but a stud like you can do it.”
Chandler thanked his brother and took off running into the mountains. How did Thor see the situation so clearly? Was it possible that Kylee’s reluctance with him had nothing to do with her thinking he was a womanizer and everything to do with her grandmother belittling her when she was a teenager and had just lost her parents? That would be rough to heal from.
He lost track of time as he stewed about his and Kylee’s relationship and how tomorrow night would go. He was terrified to think of Kylee getting hurt. Thankfully, Papa was going to allow him to be staged outside the party and move in if things went awry. He knew that was generous of Papa, as most of the other family members were better qualified. Even though his brothers teased him, all his family treated him like an equal and he knew better than to let his own confidence take a hit comparing himself to others.
He slowed his steps in the trees as he approached the end of the trail that would take him to the lake and the grass and Papa’s backyard.
Walking and pulling in slower breaths, he made it to Papa’s backyard. It was quiet at the moment. Everyone must’ve gone to their own homes for a bit. He heard voices around front and slowly walked that way. He recognized Kylee’s voice instantly. She was talking to a man. He stopped and listened for a second.
“Did youknowmy best guy was the leading scorer in the NCAA as a freshman?” The man’s voice was slightly off.
Chandler leaned closer. That voice was familiar, but not a family member. Who would know his stats that well?
“And he broke the record for most points in a season as a rookie in the PLL,” Kylee came back with.
“So good! You know how fast his shot is?”
Chandler recognized that voice. It was Bentley Jardine, his friend from high school who was a bit slow mentally. Bentley was the greatest guy and had the biggest heart in the world. Greer had told Chandler that Bentley came over to watch his lacrosse games all the time and he was his biggest fan. It was fun to hear him and Kylee talking.
“Clocked at one-nineteen-point-four,” Kylee said, obvious pride and excitement in her voice. “So close to Patrick Luehrsen’s record.”
“So close.” Bentley sighed. “He beat it next time.”
“I hope so. I’ve never missed watching a game,” she said. “I love seeing him play.”
“Me too,” Bentley agreed.
Chandler was stunned by this conversation. Not by Bentley’s words, but by Kylee’s. She’d teased him about being a lacrosse superstar and alluded to seeing him play, but to know his stats and to have never missed a game? That was superfan status for sure. He was so happy right now.
He barely caught Bentley’s next words as he hurried around the house, “My Chandler is such a stud. He getsallthe pretty women.” Bentley saw him and his face lit up. “Chandler! My man!”
Bentley rushed to him, clasped his hand, and then hugged him. Chandler returned the hug, pulling back first. He wanted to talk to Kylee so badly. She was turned slightly away from him, and he couldn’t read her expression.
“I came to visit Greer and he say you were here!” Bentley crowed.
“Excuse me,” Kylee said. “So nice to meet you, Bentley.”
“You too, Kylee.” Bentley waved happily.
“Wait,” Chandler begged. She couldn’t walk away right now.
“I need to use the bathroom,” she said quickly.