Page 22 of Iridescent Lust
“Being a superhero isn’t that hard. You follow the playbook and—“
“Wait, is there really a playbook?” I couldn’t tell if he was messing with me. Did Griffin know this? If I could get a copy, he’d owe me for life.
“Have you heard of Hellcat? She’s brutal when training heroes new to Vanguard. I’m pretty sure I failed my pop quiz yesterday.”
He couldn’t possibly be serious? The amount of homework they gave the new students would be his next complaint.
“As I was saying. I can save people. It’s pretty easy when you just remember that your job is to not let anybody die. Courting a sexy man with an accent, that’s a bit more nerve-wracking.”
I swiped the flowers out of his hand. It was the first time a man had ever brought me flowers. Although he wore a half leather uniform with a reflective chest plate, his momma brought him up proper. I could appreciate a man with traditional views of courting.
He reached over the counter and pulled one free from the bouquet. “Stonewall is going to give me grief if he doesn’t get one.”
EO had been laying it on thick enough I nearly forgot that there was another man. No, not another man, his husband. I went from blushing back to trying to understand exactly what was going on here. What was the protocol when Stonewall arrived? Did I act like a mistress and pretend nothing occurred between us? Or did we swap notes about EO’s dating techniques?
“You’re uncomfortable. I went overboard.”
I lifted the flowers to my nose, breathing in their intoxicating scent. Roses had never smelled this sweet. Where in the world had he found them? Paris? Greece? Did he zip to the other side of the globe to run errands?
Finally, I shook my head. “Not uncomfortable. They’re sweet.You’resweet. I just don’t know the rules of this game. Is Stonewall going to be mad? Jealous? Do I act like a handsome man didn’t just bring me flowers? I have a lot of questions.”
“Aw, you’re handsome too.” He shimmied forward in his chair, resting his elbows on the counter. “He knows I saved you from the Naga. I told him about going to Paris.”
“I didn’t tell him we kissed.”
His brow furrowed in an adorable manner as he pondered the question. People like Griffin think superheroes were at their sexiest when turning into fire or flying through the city. For me, it was their most basic human characteristics that made them appealing. He could save an airplane from falling out of the sky, but in a casual conversation, three little lines appeared over his head as he struggled to find words.
“That was a moment between us. He doesn’t need to know.”
“So you’re lying to him?”
EO shook his head. “If he asked, I’d gladly tell him. I told him about Paris because I didn’t want him to be worried. You might not know this, but I’m in a dangerous line of work.”
“And here I thought it was all signing photographs and kissing babies.”
“Would you feel more comfortable if I told him?” he asked.
It was a loaded question. Thankfully, a couple raised a hand further down the bar. It’d give me a couple minutes to process a sea of uncertainties. I took my time as I grabbed their beers, slowly popping off the caps. I almost offered them a house cocktail just so I could dwell further. My lackluster performance netted me a single dollar for a tip. I deserved it.
“I don’t want to be your dirty secret.”
“Let me ask you this. Do you want to know about the last time Stone and I had sex? Cause I could tell you about the—”
I held up my hands in protest. “I get it. Wow, never thought I’d stop somebody from telling me about getting busy in the bedroom.”
“The bedroom is so tame.”
My cock jumped at the prospect of sex without geographical limitations. He had a point. Part of me was turned on at the idea of him with his husband, but I didn’t need to know the details, despite my little friend’s objections.