Page 35 of Iridescent Lust
“I think Scarlet spoiled us.”
“Yeah.” The tingling settled in. I wanted the experience to last, but my cock had other plans.
“I don’t know. Maybe I’m just panicking. Who knows, working for Eclipse might not be so bad.”
“It’ll be bad, so bad.” I almost dropped my face to the counter as the warmth washed over my body. The amount of suction created by Theo made it clear that he was urging me on, wanting me to fill his mouth as I came.
“There is something off about him.” I wanted to agree, but right now, I needed to focus on not growling as an orgasm tore through my body. “Have you noticed his henchmen hover around him like groupies?” Yup. Busy, Bruno. “Or that he’s always clean?” Stop talking. “I can’t put my finger on it yet, but there’s something odd.”
Leo, the Leopard King, sauntered up to the counter. “Martini, dirty.”
I grabbed a beer out of the cooler and slammed it down on the counter. With a twist of the top, I pushed it in his direction. “Out of Martinis.”
“It’s just—“
“Beer. On the house.”
“Can you—“
“You’re about to get warm water.”
I locked eyes with the man as the orgasm rippled through my body. The only thing more persuasive than free beer is the cold eyes of a man trying to come. He snatched it and walked away as I shot through a portal to parts unknown.
“Are you okay?”
My legs threatened to cave, forcing me to lean over the bar again. Theo took pity, holding still as he swallowed. He waited a minute before carefully tucking my sensitive cock into my pants and lifting the zipper. Without a word, the portal vanished, and he left me trying to remember the events of the last ten minutes.
“Wait, did you say something?” Bruno’s face went slack as he blinked rapidly. By his expression, that was the wrong question to ask.
The grin on my face would have made the most notorious villain proud. “Sorry, my mind was elsewhere.”
Other than Eclipse givingme a condescending wave as he left, the rest of the night had been uneventful. I hoped to bump into Theo and be able to chat while on the clock. Well, what I really wanted was to spend the evening riding him until I hit my calorie goal. After the stunt he pulled tonight, the least I could do was leave him exhausted in the bedroom.
I stood outside Midnight Alley, waving as Bruno drove by on his motorcycle. He knew me well enough to not offer a ride. More often than not, I’d get a ride in a pimped-out sports car or invisible jet as I rode away with the flavor of the night. It did leave me wondering if my night would end with my clothes on the floor.
A: You up?
The triple dot of an impending reply blinked, then stopped. I scowled at the phone. Nobody liked seeing the dots, only to be silenced. I could excuse a lot when dealing with superheroes. But being ghosted—
“Figured this was easier.”
I nearly squealed as I jumped. When distance wasn’t a factor, it was shocking where somebody might appear. “Okay, new rule. No more teleporting from behind.”
“I mean,” he laughed, “that was my next trick.”
Dammit. I wanted to be mad, but my penis apparently liked the suggestion. I turned around to find myself looking at Theo and not his superpowered alter ego. While I thought the leather suit and mask were sexy, nothing compared to the smile that stretched from his face into his eyes. He was so much sexier as a bearish citizen.
“How’s Stonewall?”
He smiled at the mention of his husband. It was still weird to ask the man I texted all hours of the night about his partner, but it’d be foolish to act as if he didn’t exist. And while I was still sorting through my baggage, I genuinely liked the bruiser.
“Really good. He’s with a team helping the Magus fight a demon? A god? What do you call the person who rules a layer of Hell?”