Page 51 of Iridescent Lust
“A rumor.” My jaw clenched. I couldn’t let him get under my skin. It was his superpower, and it’d eat me alive if I let it. “I’m sure you started it to keep your superior image.”
“You haven’t changed. You can’t take responsibility. Everybody told me I should leave you. But I didn’t listen. They told me you were a slut with no self-control. I thought you had changed.”
He threw his hands up in the air, done with the conversation. Dan turned around, heading to the door. “You haven’t changed, Al.” He shoved Bruno out of the way and exited the club.
The room remained silent, all eyes focused on me. While they had appeared joyous that I attempted to clobber Eclipse, their expressions dripped with pity. Even Scarlet pointed to the DJ and cued the music. The heroes returned to their circles, stealing casual glances at the poor bartender as I repeated Dan’s last words.
“I had changed,” I mumbled. “For you.”
Something inside broke.
“Go home, Alejandro.”
Scarlet restrained from using her gifts. She didn’t have to coerce me with her powers. As the boss, the words came with authority, and she wasn’t in a mood to be challenged.
I nodded. “Sorry, Scarlet. I let you down.”
Furiously, she shook her head. She put a hand on my chin, forcing me to stare her in the eye. Their softness didn’t match her tone. Pulling me close for a hug, she squeezed hard enough that she lifted me off the ground. I forgot she could bend steel, and my spine, by the feel of it.
“You take care of yourself. Eclipse lashed out like a sore loser. You don’t have to worry. I doubt we’ll see him in here much after that.”
“But what about—“
“Shh,” she put a finger over my lips. “We’ll talk about everything later. Right now, I want my best bartender to go home and take care of himself.”
If the weight of the world hadn’t landed on my shoulders all at once, her words would have made me smile. Now, it was all I could do to not cry at the sincerity of her concern. She turned me around and pushed me toward the door.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Alejandro. Try not to be late.”
We both knew I’d ignore her request.
Bruno pushed the metal door open, stepping to the side like a gentleman. He gave me a swift slap on the ass as I headed out. “My hero. Maybe next time, I’ll get a lick in.”
I waved to the man as I turned down the street. “Adios, Bruno.”
At least there were a few people in my life that didn’t think I was a horrible human being. According to Dan, it’d only be a matter of time before they caught on. After our breakup, the one he says I caused, our social circle fell apart. Nobody returned phone calls and plans were canceled. Part of me worried it was only a matter of time before Griffin or Xander stopped responding.
I wanted to believe it wouldn’t happen again, that I had learned my lesson. Yet, I continued checking my phone to see if Theo had responded to my text. Could he be another Dan? Getting my hopes up and breaking down my walls just so he could reach through a portal and tear out my heart?
“Stop it,” I chided myself.
I had reached the subway when a gust of wind blew past. I expected to see a streak as the Zipper ran past on another superhero call. But the road was almost empty, only drunk couples stumbling from bars into cabs.
“You’re paranoid, Al.”
In grade school, we all went through supervillain survival. Every first grader knew ways to keep themselves safe. By fifth grade, the teachers were teaching nuanced safety tips to keep us out of danger. The most important: Trust your gut. If something feels wrong, itiswrong. In Vanguard City, it could be the difference between life and death.
The hair on my arms stood on end. It wasn’tifsomething weird happened; it becamewhen. Only an idiot would be dumb enough to attack a civilian this close to the Alley.
Thankfully, the skies were empty, meaning a flier wouldn't snatch me off the street. But in a city, it didn’t matter. Villains also loved to jump out from buildings as if they were playing a sadistic game of peek-a-boo. I stepped away from the sewer grate. Nobody wanted to be dragged underneath the city when the Moleman went hunting for a new bride.
“I know you’re there,” I whispered. Maybe if they didn’t hear me, they’d go away.
Something in a nearby alley caused a bang. Nope, no more waiting. I made a break for it. If they wanted to kidnap me, they’d have to deal with a moving target. I cursed myself for skipping leg day… for skipping gym day altogether.
There were feet striking the pavement, following. Not one set, but many. I didn’t dare turn around to see how far away they were. Chased by villains and not a single hero in sight. Hell, at this point, I’d take a well-intentioned Boy Scout.