Page 57 of Iridescent Lust
“I hate when you’re right.”
“That must make me the most hated man in Vanguard.”
“Bastardo. But Stretch…”
“You definitely make questionable choices.” It stung coming from Bernard. “He has the personality of cardboard. I don’t care how impressive he is in bed. You could have texted Maximus, or hell, that Golem guy. But you went with Stretch?”
“Are you mocking me?”
“Perhaps. I don’t know EO, but you owe yourself a white flag. He put up with your antics so far.”
“I’m charming, dammit.”
Bernard lunged, arms wrapping around my chest. He squeezed me in a hug as he crawled on top of me. Being underneath a bearish superhero, I either had the best luck or maybe I had some decent friends. He let go, sitting next to me as he rubbed the back of my head. He strangled one of my insecurities, beating it to death with a little affection.
A storm brewed, emotions swirling about as I tried to sort through everything. But Bernard had given me a direction to walk, a safe route. It wasn’t that simple. If I was going to make it to the other side, I needed to talk with Theo and put everything on the table. Vulnerability wasn’t my strong suit.
“I’ll grab a blanket and pillows. Make yourself comfortable, and you can fix your drama tomorrow.”
Bernard got up, heading to the bedroom. He returned with a pile of linens and tossed them in my lap. I almost laughed at the sight of Sentinel striking poses on the sheets. He shot me a middle finger, coupled with a massive grin. Leave it to a friend to hold me upright when I couldn’t do it for myself.
“Thanks for everything. I don’t—“
“Deserve it? Shut your mouth, fool. You’d do the same if the tables were turned.”
He vanished into his bedroom, leaving me with his superhero sheets. I hadn’t thought I’d be sleeping with a superhero tonight after dashing out of Stretch’s condo, but look at me. Even after Bernard’s pep talk, the storm continued to swirl in the back of my head. I wouldn’t get much sleep as I thought about that gash in my heart. First, I fix that, then I’d start repairing the rest of my life.
Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
At this hour,the city acted like a frantic ant farm on speed. People rushed from their homes to get to their jobs. With a cool breeze swirling through the streets, even those off-work milled about the streets. The HideOut would be packed this morning, and if Chad hadn’t saved our usual table, there’d be hell to pay.
Without fail, in the dead of night, superheroes were called to save the world. I woke to an empty apartment and a note from Bernard promising to meet me for breakfast. I had to wonder if being able to share his secret with somebody was a weight off his chest or if he worried I’d spill the beans. Anybody who claimed I couldn’t keep a secret… okay, they probably knew I was a blabbermouth.
“Griffin is going to be so pissed that I found out first.” Childish, I know. But when it came to this member of our breakfast squad, having the scoop on superhero antics could be traded like currency. I’m sure he’d eventually learn about Theo’s identity. It was the price of dating an average person. Secret identities weren’t as guarded as they used to be. Only the A-listers, like the Centurions, needed to hide their alter-egos, or they’d be hunted like vermin around the clock.
Chad had removed some of the plywood from one window, making it feel like the coffee shop had luxurious outdoor views. When your business got wrecked as frequently as they did in the Ward, you learned to take lemons and make lemonade. I pushed opened the door to the HideOut, and the bells jingled overhead. I froze, confused at the sight in front of me. Not only were two people sitting atourtable, but they had also taken my seat.
Chad stood up, waving me over. Something in the world was not right. My life between the HideOut and Midnight Alley never converged. I liked it that way. To see my soon-to-be ex-boss and my favorite barista mingling could only spell disaster. I approached with caution. This could, in fact, be the start of the apocalypse.
“Why have you never introduced us? She is an absolute delight.”
“Yeah…” I pulled out Bernard’s usual chair and took a seat. “She is. At work.”
“Alejandro,” she laughed as she held up her coffee cup in a salute. “Dear, I’m a delight no matter where I am.”
“All I get to hear about is the next morning. Alejandro drags his tired butt in here from who knows where.”
“Oh,” she laughed, “I know where. I see the men he leaves with.”
“Do all heroes wear cheap cologne?” Chad asked.
They both stared at me as if it wasn’t a rhetorical question. I didn’t like this, not one bit. These two should never be allowed to compare notes about my life. If ever I needed a supervillain to ruin my day, it was now. Bring on the worst the universe offered.
“Hedoeshave a type.”