Page 61 of Iridescent Lust
“It’s the heroes I’m after.”
I closed my eyes as my limbs jerked involuntarily. My lungs burned, but there was no air. I was about to die, and the last thing I’d have seen was this ugly bastard.
“They’ll burn. Each and every one.”
Something tuggedat the hair on my wrists. I tried pulling away, but he had tied something around my hands. They were trapped behind my back, and I— I was alive. I laid on a cold surface, bound but alive. Before I opened my eyes, I ran through my senses. Body hurt. No real sound other than the whizzing of fans. It smelled as if it might rain, but that would not save the day. I skipped sticking my tongue out to taste the dread of the situation.
I opened my eyes. Wherever Eclipse had taken me, it was about as far from the city street as imaginable. The room was circular, filled with wall-to-wall computer screens and, in the middle, a massive round table. On the far wall, windows looked out into the sky. We were up high, perhaps in a skyscraper in Vanguard? Whatever this place was, it had a familiarity to it, as if I had spent time here as a kid.
Rolling over, I found Eclipse pawing at a computer terminal. I could hear his growling over the clicking and beeping of the equipment. I assumed his secret lair would be underground, perhaps a sewer. No, no, not with that white suit. He probably hid at a dry cleaner as he plotted to—I had no idea what his goals might be.
Then I saw the seven tubes, each with a mannequin inside.
Getting up to my knees, I could make out the sigil on the table, the official logo of the Centurions. That fool had all but invited a superhero battle from the world’s most victorious team. Why here? No matter how powerful he believed himself to be, this was a battle he couldn’t win. Eclipse did a lot of questionable things, but putting himself in jeopardy was not one of them.
“Thanks,” I said, shambling to my feet.
“You’re awake. I thought you were going to miss the best part of the day.”
“Oh, no. I’ll be awake when the Centurions kick your ass.”
He laughed. “Obviously, you missed the genius of our plan.”
I prepared to spit back a retort, but froze. I knew the Centurions had a large staff. Beneath this floor were operations, public relations, and even an auditorium where Centurions talked to their fans. But after the documentary,The 99thFlooraired, the entire world knew this space was off-limits to anybody but the Centurions themselves. Unless one of the heroes returned, Eclipse could go about his machinations undisturbed.
“They’re busy with the rest of the Nocturnals. We’ve been systematically targeting the Centurion’s allies. Vanguard’s top heroes are difficult to mobilize unless you’re a giant fire-breathing lizard threatening the White House. But we managed.”
“You’re not just a pretty face.”
“So you’ve broken into the 99thfloor? What now? What’s your endgame, Eclipse?”
“My employer wants the Centurions nullified.”
How much information could I get? When I saw Bernard again, I’d be able to pass it all along. Perhaps some tidbit would tip the scales and they’d wipe the floor with this mysterious boss.
“Is that why you wanted the club? For your boss?”
Eclipse turned, the growling turning into a snarl. Good to know it struck a nerve.
“So many heroes in one place. We could have crippled the heroes of Vanguard by removing them one at a time. He didn’t see the genius of the plan.” Eclipse threw his hands up in the air. “There are more heroes than the Centurions. But look who I’m telling. Youknowmost of them.”
I ignored the slut shaming. “Too bad Scarlet didn’t fall for it. Stonewall and EO ruined that plan.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be taking care of them as well. I can’t have loose threads getting in the way.”
The binding on my back made it impossible for me to reach for my phone. I swear, if I got out of here, I’d lose a few pounds. Maybe this would be what prompted me to pick up that old gym membership. I just needed to make it out alive.
“Looking for this?” Eclipse held up my phone.
“Hey. Give that back.”
“Soon as I finish here.”