Page 67 of Iridescent Lust
“See, now you’re talking like a boss,” he laughed.
Theo had co-signed the loan that had bought the bar, but he wanted nothing to do with the money. He preferred the ‘fun’ stuff.
“Entertainment?” asked Theo.
“Got it.”
“The Centurions are grateful that we saved their base. Bernard has them promoting the event. If there’s a person with powers out there, they’ll know about the club.”
“Handsome date for the opening?” Theo batted his eyelashes.
I rolled my eyes. “I’ve got my feelers out.”
Theo gasped. “I’m hurt.”
“If you don’t find somebody,” Julian added, “I’ll go with you.”
“Then I guess everything is ready to go.”
Theo’s bottom lip pushed out as he pouted. “I’m not sure I want the two of you anywhere alone.” He held it for a second before the smirk returned. Even through the beard, I could see that one side always sat higher than the other. Did it make him more sexy or adorable? Verdict was out at the moment.
Theo froze as he caught me staring. For all his bravado, he blushed easily. Adorable. No, sexy. Dammit, I couldn’t decide.
“I don’t know why you were worried about taking over the club. I know Scarlet is helping with specifics. But this is your baby now.” Julian wouldn’t allow me to avoid the praise he said I deserved. For a man capable of bending steel girders, he didn’t have the take-charge attitude of his hero counterpart. He was the opposite, a big softie with muscles as thick as my neck.
I closed the notebook. There were hundreds of ideas to keep Midnight Alley relevant and on the forefront of places heroes spent their downtime. Maybe I had a clue what I was doing? It wasn’t long ago that my only worry was identifying the next hero to share my bed. But with Theo, I had a teddy bear to keep me company when I needed it.
“Mind if I steal Theo for a bit? I want to show him something.”
Julian swung his legs off Theo’s lap before jumping to his feet. “That’s my cue for bedtime. I have to be up early for court. What they don’t tell you about saving the city is all the paperwork. You stop one man from throwing a school bus off a bridge, and you spend the next three days in court giving testimony.”
“It’s true,” Theo said. “And don’t even get me started if the villain crosses state lines. Or the worse, when they claim to be insane. Lawyers love an insanity plea. What sane person straps a nuke to their back and threatens city hall?”
Julian leaned over, about to give Theo a kiss. He hesitated, giving me a side-eye. It was going to take some time to navigate this relationship, but seeing the two of them together and the way Julian made Theo smile, jealousy was the last thing on my mind. Soon as I smirked, Julian kissed his husband.
“Don’t forget lunch tomorrow,” Julian said. “You’re welcome to join us.”
The invite warmed my heart. I didn’t question its authenticity, but I was happy to bow out. If this was going to work, they needed time to be a couple as well. “Appreciated, but while you’re having burgers, I’ll be dreaming about burly heroes saving the day.”
“I’ll have to get their numbers,” Julian said with a wink. “Night, gentleman. Don’t get yourselves into trouble without me.”
Theo gave my thigh a squeeze. As I rested my hand over his, I realized his was more akin to a paw. I caught his gaze, and the intensity in his eyes stirred something deep in my gut. Yes, the infamous playboy Alejandro blushed because a guy was staring at him like he was on the dinner menu. I could hear the playful jabs of the breakfast crew now.
He kissed my forehead. “So what is it you wanted to show me?”
It wasrare that Vanguard City had a peaceful night. I thanked the gods above that the villain menace stayed at a dull roar tonight. Without the moon, the stars filled the sky, fighting against the light from the streets. It was about as perfect as I could hope for.
Theo stepped through the portal onto the roof of my building. He raised an eyebrow as I took his hand. Pulling him along, I stopped as we reached a telescope. I’d have to thank Sebastian for loaning me the gem of his collection. I’d also have to give Griffin a hard time for dating the only man geekier than him.
“What’s this?”
“It’s a telescope.”
Theo pouted. “You’re insufferable. I meant—“