Page 21 of Last Call
“Yes, I agree. Let me take a look.”
He fires up his laptop.
“I’m not available that weekend. Is it possible to do the following one?”
We have enough start-up money that Enzo could easily hire a secretary, or assistant, but the stubborn ass insists on doing everything himself. If Angel, Inc. does take off, he’s going to have to learn how to accept help.
“No, no. We don’t want anything to cause further delays.”
That gets my attention.
“Can you hold for just a second?” He puts the call on hold and glances up at me. “Quick, see if you’re available the weekend of the 24th.”
“For what?” I ask, even as I pull out my phone and check the dates. “I am. Who’s on the phone?”
“I’ll explain in a sec. Hold on.”
Before I can object or ask any more questions, Enzo clicks back to his caller. “My partner is available that weekend. . . . Uh-huh. Our meeting on Thursday—should I give that to him if he’ll be doing the site visit?”
The site visit.
He must be talking about the plant, although I’m not sure who I’ll be bringing for a site visit. The FDA inspectors aren’t going to be able to come until next month. Well, my father will be happy, anyway. He’s been after me to go up there for weeks.
What I didn’t say was,Would you please trust me to run my own company?orI thought this was a no-strings-attached loan.
Pissing off my father was the one sure way to ensure more meddling.
“OK, I’ll have him get in touch to arrange the handover. Thank you for getting us in so quickly. We really appreciate it.”
A pause, then, “Same to you.”
Enzo drops his phone on the desk and looks at me like I’m responsible for Cornell losing a championship.
“I’m gonna go on the record saying this is probably not a great idea, especially after last weekend.”
Last weekend? What the hell did I do last weekend? As far as I can remember, I was pretty well behaved.
“Spit it out.”
“That was our RPM.”
Ahhh. The lovely Ada Flemming.
“She has an opening for a site visit in two weeks and can squeeze us in. But I have an out-of-town meeting scheduled with Anthony Walden.”
I try to place the name. Walden, the owner of SouthBev. He and other regional beer distributors will be key to getting our product to market.
Wait. Enzo’s words just hit me.
“Did you really just schedule me to go upstate for a site visit with Doctor Flemming?”
Enzo’s eyes narrow. “And her team.”
Oh shit.
“Which is why you’ll be the POC until the visit. To prepare. I told her you’d get in touch for a meeting on Thursday with the ODE team.”