Page 85 of My Foolish Heart
She stops abusing her poor lip. “Ok.”
I think back to the last two weeks. Could I have told her sooner? Sure. Should I have? Does it really matter? Yes, it’s a big deal. But I’m sure there’s plenty of stuff, especially when it comes to Leoni’s, that she hasn’t told me. Maybe avoidance isn’t the answer here? Keeping things from each other, business-related or not, just puts distance between us.
“Hey, sorry, man. Didn’t mean to spoil the party.”
I try to smile. “You didn’t. What’s up?” I ask Brax.
But he’s not fooled. We’ve worked together for too long. If anyone spoiled the party, it wasn’t him. Or me. Or Evie. It’s this damn situation.
Or maybe I’m overthinking things.
It’s fine.
We’re fine.
There’s nothing to be worried about.
“Of course I’m fucking worried.”
“Tris,” Gian says, “calm down.”
When I stopped at my parents’ for coffee, I didn’t expect my brother to be here. But, as usual in this family, it’s impossible for anything to stay private.
“Tristano,” my mother says, coming from her bedroom just off the kitchen, “watch your language please.”
I’d not have cursed if I knew she’d been there.
“Sorry, Mom.”
“I’m sure your father would say the same thing. It’ll be fine.”
Easy for her to say. The zoning board doesn’t have a target on the pizza shop.
“I thought you said you talked to Cole a few weeks ago.” Gian moves past my mother to get another cup of coffee.
“I did. And last night. He said not to worry about it.”
“Worry about what?”
My dad comes into the kitchen from the bathroom.
“Morning, G. Tris,” he adds.
“The zoning issue. Apparently they’re voting tomorrow, and I don’t like the rumors about the whole situation.”
My father looks me square in the eyes. “Ahh, well, nothing to get your feathers ruffled about. I talked to the mayor last night. She agreed they don’t have the votes.”
We all look at my father.
“Where did you see her?”
“At the course.”
My dad, an avid golfer, doesn’t get a ton of time to play. The mayor, on the other hand, is a former semipro golfer. That must have been an interesting round.