Page 11 of Lay It Down
“They look more friendly than friends, if you know what I mean,” Marco quipped, moving away.
Sure enough, as Thayle went behind the tasting bar, Garrett followed. He was standing rather close for a friend.
“I didn’t know he was coming in,” I muttered.
“Lives in the city, right?” Cosimo asked.
Ok, not cool...his arm had gone around her shoulder. I couldn’t help but agree with Marco now. That didn’t look at all like two friends casually opening a bottle of wine. Thayle, with only her top half visible at the moment, laughed at something he said. Also, the red lipstick was throwing me.
Must. Look. Away.
“Are they dating?” My brother asked,
“Is who dating?” Min asked, having eventually stopped laughing at Thayle’s costume as she approached us.
“Thayle and her bank friend,” Cos said.
“I don’t think so. At least, not that she’s told me. And Thayle tells me everything. But they do look close.”
“We should make the rounds a bit.” Cos looked pointedly at me. “But first, what do you think about the tour?”
“I can take care of some of your paperwork,” Min said to me as I actively attempted not to peek again at Thayle and her friend. “I’d love to go, but after Italy I need to stick closer to home to catch up.”
My sister had gone to Italy with our parents this summer on a part-work and part-play trip.
“You’ve been home since August,” I reminded her.
“Can you argue with Min later?” Cos asked. “You’ll go?”
“You guys are killing me,” I said. Though they weren’t making me suffer quite as much as Thayle was. She and her friend were still huddled together, though thankfully not as closely.
Cos glared at me for not immediately jumping to do his bidding. Brooke had softened him, but my brother could still be overbearing at times.
I started to reiterate once again why I was too busy to go on this tour, but Min cut me off, blurting out, “Thayle!”
We both turned to look at her.
“You should take Thayle,” she explained, grinning.
I stared at my sister, not fully hearing her. It sounded as if she’d said I should take Thayle on a nearly two-week wine tour around the Finger Lakes.
“That’s a good idea,” Cos jumped in. “She’s never been. I think it would be great for her to chat with some of the other wineries about their clubs.”
No, no, no. “She does plenty of research online. Thayle knows about every wine club on the planet. She doesn’t need to go to actual wineries for that.”
“I heard my name.”
Bergamot and grapefruit. I knew her perfume well.
“We just had the greatest idea,” Min said. “Cos and Brooke were supposed to do the post-harvest tour, but they have a wedding next weekend now, and everything is already arranged. Neo is taking their place, and I said you should go too. It’s a great way to take some time off while getting to know local wineries and their owners. You can chat with them about their clubs and all.”
Thayle didn’t bat an eye. Instead, she introduced her friend, who’d just come up behind her. “You guys know Garrett, I think. We worked together at the bank.”