Page 19 of Completing Her
“Okay,” she said, stifling a yawn. She looked tired—exhausted, in fact.
“Are you going to be okay here—alone?” I asked.
She nodded. “I’ll bolt my door, put a chair under the knob, and keep my cell phone beside me.”
I held out my hand. “Let me program my number in there. I live a few blocks over. I can be here fast.”
She handed me her phone, and I entered my digits and called myself. Then I saved her information. She told me she hadn’t kept Andy’s number when she changed phones, but she had it on a piece of paper. I tried the number, not surprised to find it no longer working.
“No doubt a burner cell,” I observed. I tucked the piece of paper into my pocket. I doubted it would help, but I would take anything I could get. “I can sleep on the sofa if you want.”
Her eyes widened, and she swallowed. “No, I’ll be fine. The walls are thin, and Mrs. Wallace lives next door and is up all night. If I scream, she’ll call 911.”
I nodded but added my address into her phone. I showed it to her. “If you’re frightened, you call me—or text. I’ll come get you right away. Do you understand?”
She blinked but nodded.
I stood and walked to the door, turning when I got there. She was behind me, looking anxious.
“If you’re scared, nervous, or can’t sleep, call me. I’ll come right over.”
Once again, she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me. I held her tight, loathe to leave her, yet knowing she needed her rest. The urge to scoop her into my arms and carry her to her room was strong. The desire to take her to my place where I knew she would be one hundred percent safe was even stronger.
But I had no right to do either thing.
But I would be watching her. Carefully. And I would be right there if she needed me.
I drew back, looking down at her. Her wide green eyes gazed up at me, so many emotions swirling in their unique depths. I cupped her cheeks, holding her face in my hands. Our eyes locked and held, and I lowered my head, pressing a gentle kiss to her mouth. She wrapped her hands around my wrists, a low whimper escaping. I stepped closer, kissing her again, this time a little harder, our lips holding longer. Then again, her mouth opening underneath mine. I swept my tongue inside, lost to her taste and the feel of her. I slid my hands down her throat, over her arms and around her waist, pulling her tight to my chest as the kiss deepened. I had never experienced a reaction to a woman the way I did to Raven. The need to protect her, be close to her. It was unnerving.
Yet I liked it.
Finally, I drew back, both of us breathing hard. I held her close, dropping kisses to her head.
“I want to stay,” I admitted.
“I’ll be fine.”
I laughed lowly. “That’s not what I meant.”
“I know.”
I released her, lifting her hands and kissing the knuckles. We both knew it was too fast. “Anything at all, you call me, you understand?”
“I’m not leaving until I hear the bolt locked and that chair wedged under the doorknob.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow. Keep your blinds down and stay away from the windows for tonight.”
I hated seeing her close the door. I waited until she did as I instructed, then I left. I departed via the stairs, came out on the street a couple of structures away and ducked into a doorway and stood watching her building. Nothing seemed amiss. I doubted Andy was around, and if he was, he would think I was still up there with her. That gave me some comfort.
Finally, I turned and hurried home.