Page 21 of Completing Her
“Thanks for coming.”
He smiled widely. “You need a favor? I’m here to help. But first, coffee.”
I studied him as he poured a large mug. Egan had been a Marcus find. An expert with explosives, a computer genius, and lethal with his training, he had been a great fit with our team. Originally from Romania, he had been in Canada for over twenty years. He worked hard on his dialect, wanting to blend in. His accent was subtle, rounding out his words—unless he was angry or upset. Then you heard the harsh edge of his accent clearly.
He was tall—well over six foot five, with dark brown hair brushed high off his forehead. His shoulders were broad, his face long, and his features bespoke his heritage. Heavy brows and a thick scruff covered his chin. His intelligent brown eyes missed nothing. He sat down across from me, sipping his coffee.
“You let your hair grow back.”
He grinned, flashing his straight white teeth. “Yah.” He ran a hand over his head. “Too cold to be bald here in winter, so I’m getting ready.”
I laughed. Winter was months away. He changed all the time. Bald, longer hair, short. A thick beard, scruff, clean-shaven. I never knew which Egan would appear.
He set down his cup, lifting his hands. “Here I am, my friend. What do you need?”
I indicated the pad and pile of pencils on the corner of the desk. “A composite drawing.”
On top of all his other talents, Egan’s sketches were top-notch. I preferred them to a computer program. Especially this—I wanted nothing out there that I was searching for someone.
He frowned. “A case? I thought you were out.”
Egan still worked with Hidden Justice but only took on the role as needed. He owned a gym that was highly successful. He also had a studio since his talent extended into paintings as well. I owned two of them, the detailed canvases eye-catching and stunning. He lived on the second floor, as did Sofia, my cousin, and two other former agents. I now lived in Marcus’s old place. Our headquarters had been divided into apartments, the space unrecognizable. None of us wanted any reminders of what had happened the day Marcus and Missy had rid the world of a sick bastard who was after her. Marcus shut down the office, and once he left, we remodeled.
He narrowed his eyes. “The Watcher has a special interest?”
I smirked at his nickname. Because of my computer work and the security firm, I had earned the name the Watcher. All the guys used it, and I didn’t mind it. It suited me as I was ever watchful of the programs and my clients.
“This is personal.”
I told him about Raven and meeting her last night. He shook his head, fury etched on his face.
“Scum. I hate the ones that prey on women.”
“I can’t find him. I think he’s using a fake name. Andrew Smith—thousands of them in the world. I thought if I had a picture, I could use one of my contacts to run it through some databases.”
“Good idea.” He leaned forward, grabbing the pad and choosing a pencil. He opened the pad, balancing it on his knee. “Describe him.”
For the next while, I spoke, recalling everything I could about Andy. Egan would show me the sketch, and I would have him change a shape, add a mark, darken a shadow. Finally, he handed it to me. “Yah?”
I nodded, looking it over. “That’s him.”
Andy’s face stared back at me. Decent-looking guy, slim, shaggy hair, regular features. But it was his eyes. Egan had somehow captured the slightly crazed, unstable gaze of undisguised hatred in his eyes. The pinch between his eyebrows that suggested barely concealed rage. I felt the same unease looking at the sketch as I had when we were face-to-face.
“I worry what he’d do if he got his hands on her. Or any other woman he becomes obsessed with. I don’t think he’s stable.”
“You hack into their system?”
I scrubbed my face. “Yeah. Got nothing. Fucking frustrating. I need to dig deeper. I want to search his email addresses and his provider. Find out his real name—where he lives. I haven’t been able to break the payment part to get his credit card info. Then, I could find him easily, but that is a third-party provider, and their firewalls were far more encrypted.”
“I can help.”
“Not on assignment?”
He shook his head. “No. Nothing to blow up. New bosses have other ideas.” He shook his head sadly. “Marcus was far more fun.”
I laughed. “I’m sure your other skills come in handy.”
He pursed his lips and shrugged. “At times.”