Page 36 of Completing Her
I lowered my head, pressing my mouth to hers. “I can think of somewhere else far more comfortable, my lovely Ravenna Jade,” I murmured against her soft lips.
“Oh, okay,” she replied, her breath floating over my skin. “Whatever you think is best.”
“Good answer.”
Inside my place, she looked around with wide eyes, her gaze taking it all in. I hadn’t changed a lot since Marcus lived here, although the kitchen wasn’t used as much. I had painted the walls, brought in my own furniture, and turned his workout room into an office since we’d added a big workout area on the second floor where Hidden Justice used to be located and I didn’t require my own workout space.
“It’s so open,” she said. “I like it.”
“Yeah, it’s comfortable.”
She headed for the kitchen, running her hand along the gleaming counters and eyeing up the large stove. “I suddenly want to cook something.”
I laughed. “Tomorrow. Tomorrow, you can cook to your heart’s desire.”
“I have to work tomorrow.” She turned to me. “I’ll have to get an Uber to work or leave earlier and walk.”
I shook my head. “Neither. I’ll drive you to school and pick you up afterward.”
She frowned, but I didn’t let her speak. “Yes. That is exactly what is happening.”
“Where is Egan’s apartment?” she asked. “I don’t think he’s as bossy as you are.”
I glared at her, then before she could move, bent and flung her over my shoulder, snickering at her indignant gasp. I carried her down the hall, listening to her protests and demands to be set down. In the guest room, I threw her bag on the bed, swatted her butt playfully, then carefully lowered her to her feet, letting her slide down my torso slowly, feeling every inch of me.
“Then he has you fooled. He’s way bossier.”
“He’s not as sexy as you either,” she whispered.
I grinned. “Pleased to hear it.”
She looked around. “Is this, ah, your room?”
“No, it’s the guest room. I’m not going to pressure you, Raven. We have lots of time. You can stay here and be safe. That’s what really matters right now. I’m right down the hall if you need me.”
She reached up and cupped my cheek. “Thank you.”
I turned and pressed a kiss to her palm. “Anything you need, you just have to ask. Okay?”
* * *
The bed was comfortable, the room quiet, but I couldn’t sleep. The events of the past days played over and over in my head, keeping me awake. The strange, almost violent look in Andy’s eyes as he cornered me in the alley. Running into Damien. His sweetness and caring, his intense protectiveness since that day. It was overwhelming. And tonight. The sensations, the emotions kissing him brought out. I had never reacted to another man—even my ex—the way I did to Damien. Together, we were an inferno, and I was lost the moment his mouth touched mine.
And then the rock. The way Damien took charge. Dealt with the cops. Called Egan for backup. Brought me here.
He’d been sexy, thoughtful, and worried since we got home. Fussing that I had enough blankets, insisting on leaving my door open and a light on in the hall, worried I would wake up and be confused where I was. Bringing me a glass of water. Then an extra pillow. He poked his head in a short time later, asking if I was hungry. I grinned at him from the bed. “I can’t sleep if you don’t stop coming in here, Damien. Not hungry, thirsty, or cold.”
“How about lonely? Are you lonely?”
“Impossible to be lonely when you pop in every five minutes.”
“Right. Okay, I’m just down the hall if you need me.”
“I might have heard that already.”