Page 38 of Completing Her
I pressed my forehead to hers. “Right here, Raven. You’re safe. We’re both safe.”
“He—he was here. He had a knife. He said he killed you.” Her hand flew to her throat. “He had a knife right here. He cut me—I was bleeding.”
I gathered her into my arms. “No, Raven. A nightmare. It was a nightmare.”
She began to sob, burrowing close, her entire body racked with shudders. Her skin was clammy and cold. I stood, carrying her from the room and into mine, cursing myself. I should have known leaving her alone in a strange place wasn’t a good idea.
I slid into my bed, keeping her in my arms. I pulled the blankets over us and rocked her, making hushing noises, saying her name repeatedly so she knew she was awake.
My phone chimed, and I grabbed it. It was a text from Egan.
Egan:Nightmares or SOS?
I responded and set the phone aside. It didn’t surprise me he had heard her. The screaming had been intense.
I stroked my fingers through her hair, pressing her face to my chest. “Raven, I need you to calm down, please.”
“He—he said he killed you.” Another long tremor went through her. “He said you—you were dead.”
I shut my eyes at the agony in her voice.
“I’m not. I’m right here, holding you. It was just a dream. A terrible dream. He’s not here. You’re safe, I’m fine. We’re fine. Please relax.”
“Don’t let go.”
“I won’t.”
She let out a long, shuddering breath, going limp in my arms. Slowly, the sobbing stopped, and she became quiet. I held her close, running my hand up and down her back, cupping her head, playing with her hair. Letting her feel me. She warmed up, the earlier coldness of her skin returning to normal. The frantic breathing eased off, small stutters of air escaping her mouth. I pressed a kiss to her head. “Raven,” I murmured. “Look at me, please.”
Her eyes met mine, the red rims and tears making my chest hurt. “He can’t get to you here. Ever. This building is the safest place for you to be. He can’t get to you out there either, because I won’t let him. You’re safe, do you understand? So safe, Raven. I promise.”
She nodded, her exhaustion and the emotion wearing her down.
“Can I stay here with you?”
“I, um, I have to…” She trailed off, and I let her slide off my lap, indicating the door to the left.
“Use my bathroom. I’m going to get you some water.”
I hurried to the kitchen, filling a glass with ice and water, and came back to find her at the end of my bed, looking around. I pressed the glass into her hand and watched as she drank deeply. With a smile, I refilled it from the tap in the bathroom and set it on the nightstand. I lifted the blankets.
“In you go.”
She crawled in, and I slipped in beside her, pulling her close. She settled her head on my chest, snaking her arm around my torso. I pressed a kiss to her crown, stroking her hair. I turned off the light and spoke quietly.
“Sleep, Raven. I’m right here.”
“I’m sorry,” she replied.
“Nothing to be sorry for. I understand. But I want you to sleep, knowing I’m watching over you and everything is fine. Okay? We’ll talk about it in the morning.”
“Thank you,” she whispered.