Page 58 of Completing Her
* * *
We pulled up to the coffee shop, and Damien slid the car into park. He looked at me, peering over the top of his sunglasses.
“I walk into the shop, and I don’t leave without you being there.”
“If you get nervous?”
“I call you.”
He nodded, looking through the window. “Is she here?”
“The girl in the booth. With the light brown hair.”
“Couldn’t you sit farther into the restaurant?” he asked, tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel.
“The tables are twos, and there are some couches scattered around. We need the booth to work on.”
He huffed, and I laid my hand on his arm. “Egan was here ten minutes ago. You said he was around.”
“He is.”
“If you watch me walk in, then I’m covered.”
He nodded, the set of his shoulders stiff. I hated seeing him upset. I much preferred the laid-back, teasing, sexy man who kept me up most of the night. The one who woke me up this morning by carrying me to the shower and doing wicked things with his tongue that made me scream his name. I knew he hated letting me out of his sight, but I also knew if he was in the restaurant, he would distract me. But watching his distress mount, I relented.
“You can walk me in if you want,” I offered. “Stay and meet Deb, have a cup of coffee.”
He glanced at me with a frown, then sighed. “I’d feel better if I walked you in, but I’ll get the coffee to go, and I’ll leave.”
“Okay, that’s a good compromise.”
I waited until he came around to my door, holding it open and helping me out. His old-fashioned manners were a lovely change from a couple of the men I had met online. He carried my bag with one hand, his other keeping me close to his side. I felt his tension ease a little when we went inside and Deb stood, hugging me. I introduced them, and he shook her hand, polite and friendly. He set my bag on the booth bench and smiled. “I’m going to grab a coffee. Can I get you something, Ms. Raven?” he asked, keeping his voice teasing and light.
“I’m going to get a sandwich and coffee with Deb.”
“And one of their pieces of fudge cake to share, right, Raven?” Deb asked. “It’s wicked good, and we feel a bit self-restrained when we share instead of getting our own.”
Laughing, he pressed a kiss to my head. “Okay. I’ll leave you to your self-sacrifice. Call me when you’re ready to go.”
He sauntered to the counter, waiting patiently as the child in front of him took forever to choose the donut he wanted, then ordered a coffee. Damien chose a double chocolate donut and paid, then stopped by the table. “I’ll be going. I paid for your lunch, ladies, so enjoy.” Then he leaned down and kissed me again.
“Remember the rules,” he murmured into my ear, straightened, and walked out. I watched him get in his car, make a call, then slowly pull away. His gaze locked on mine as he drove by, his lips pulled down in a frown. I sighed and met Deb’s curious gaze.
“You have a story to tell me. I need to know when and where you met Mr. Tall, Dark, and Intense in the Lexus and why I haven’t heard about him until this moment. My God, he’s dreamy. And romantic—he walked you in and paid for our lunch. Girl, you better start talking!”
I laughed and picked up the menu. “Let’s get lunch, and I’ll fill you in.”
I glanced at the list of sandwiches, buying myself some time. I couldn’t tell her everything, but I could tell her something. I just had to figure out what.
* * *
I circled the block, keeping my eye on the area, seeing nothing unusual—and no one in a hoodie hiding in a doorway. I parked the car, walked back toward the coffee shop, and headed up the ramp of a parking lot across the street. I found Egan in his spot, surveying the area. I settled beside him, handing him the donut.