Page 66 of Completing Her
“It always is with us.”
She glanced up, meeting my eyes. “It felt even more so this time.”
I wiped my fingers under her eyes, taking away the moisture. “Becausewe’remore.”
“We’re moving fast, Damien.”
“Are you with me, Raven?”
Her voice was quiet in the dim light. “Yes.”
“Then we’re moving along just right for us.”
With a sigh, she snuggled back into my embrace. “Okay.”
* * *
In the morning, she handed me a container before she got out of the car. “Can you give these to Leo?”
I shook my head. “I have a better idea. Why don’t I pick you up and take you to the office after school? You can see where I work, meet some other people, and give Leo his cookies yourself? He’d love to see you.”
“You have time?”
“I’ll make time. Besides, those are so damned good, not sure you can trust me to give them to him. I want to eat them myself.”
“You have lots in the apartment.”
I leaned over and nipped her neck playfully. “I want all of them. Just like I want all of you.”
She shook her head, using her best teacher voice on me. “You have to learn to share, Damien.”
“Maybe the cookies. You,never, Ms. Raven.”
“Okay. Pick me up. I’d like that.”
“Okay. Four?”
I glanced around. “All right. You can go inside. You’re under surveillance. Remember anything makes you nervous, you call me or that other number I gave you. You aren’t alone.”
She looked around, seeing what I saw, but not seeing anything. She nodded. “Okay.” She opened her door, stopping when I called to her.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“No. I have my satchel and my phone. My laptop.”
I reached over and traced her lips. “How about a goodbye?”
“Oh. Oh!” She leaned over the console.
I cupped her cheek and kissed her. Softly. Sweetly. “I’ll see you later, Raven.”
“Have a good day,” she murmured, slipping from the car and hurrying to the door, using her pass to get in. I waited a bit, making sure nothing seemed out of place. My guy was right there, raking the grass, ignoring me. He would stay outside her windows for the day, working on a repair project we’d constructed. Every day, it was different. If Andy was around, he’d have no idea someone was watching over her. But there was someone outside, inside, or both. It was never the same person and never the same task. I wanted to wire up the school, but it was too difficult given privacy issues if it was discovered. So instead, I had a tracker on her phone and laptop that she’d watched me install. She carried her phone everywhere, so I always knew where she was. And she had eyes on her constantly. Andy couldn’t get to her.
I only hoped we could get to him before he ever had a chance to do so again.
* * *