Page 68 of Completing Her
“He should have moved quicker.”
“He’s been away. He only got back today. The letter was waiting for him. She mailed it.” He smirked. “Smart girl was worried Andy would find the email and delete it.”
“So, we get access?”
He nodded. “We’re meeting him tomorrow. In exchange for his cooperation, I promised him that Elite would tighten his security. The company he paid did a shit job.”
“This is the break we needed.”
He sat back, looking smug. “Yep.”
“I owe you, Egan.”
He regarded me silently.
I glanced at my watch, seeing it was almost time to pick up Raven. The hours had flown by today. “I’ll sing your praises to Sofia when I see her.”
He nodded sagely. “Then we’re even.”
Raven was waiting inside the door of the school and hurried out to the car as I pulled up. I studied her face. She looked calm and happy.
“How are you?” I asked, leaning over for a kiss.
“Good. No trouble at all again.”
In the car, she chatted, telling me about the antics of her kids, her list for shopping on Thursday, the fact that Deb had texted her, excited.
“Her businessman sent her flowers. She’s never received flowers before.”
The businessman had slipped my mind, and I hadn’t delved into him as I had planned to. “I see. So, you want me to leave it alone?”
“Yes. I don’t think you have to worry. She isn’t.” Raven chuckled. “She wants us to double-date one night.”
“Even better. I can check him out in person.”
I parked underground, and we took the elevator up to the main floor. I took her to Leo’s office located in the back of the building, and she gave him the cookies she made him. She entertained him with the story of the mice she hid under the cushions, exaggerating my reaction and making him laugh loudly. He was thrilled with the cookies and winked at her. “I got more. My wife wants an evening out without the kids,” he whispered, loud enough for me to hear.
Raven nodded and winked back. “We’ll talk,” she mouthed.
She stood, lifting her bag and rounding the desk to hug Leo. As she went by his handheld scanners, a constant ping went off. She stopped frowning. “What is that?”
I met Leo’s eyes, slightly shaking my head.
“A door alarm that needs fixing,” he said. “It’s been going off all day, driving me nuts.”
“Oh, annoying,” Raven replied and hugged him. “Thanks again.”
I took her elbow, heading upstairs. In the elevator, I turned to her, pressing a finger against my lips, indicating she needed to stay quiet. She frowned as I slipped her bag off her shoulder, carrying it. I led her into my office, then into the back, shutting the door firmly behind me.
“Okay, you can talk.”