Page 71 of Completing Her
She shrugged. “Or maybe make him think you’re backing off a little. That you think your scare tactics worked on him.”
“I am not backing off.”
“I know. Use your guys. Ones he doesn’t know. Send them ahead.” Then her eyes widened. “Why don’t we go for a walk and have a fight?”
“What? A fight?” I asked. “Why?”
“He’ll see me walk away from you. Maybe he’ll approach me.”
Leo met my frowning gaze. “That’s not a bad idea.”
“Maybe I should go back to my apartment,” she added. “Be easily accessible.”
“That isn’t happening.” I snapped, tightening my grip on her hip. “I’ll think about the other idea.”
She stood, smoothing down her skirt. She was pale, upset, and fierce. She settled her hands on her hips, glaring at me. “The bottom line here, Damien, is it is my decision. I could walk out of this building right now, and you can’t stop me. I think we need to see if he is still hanging around. This seems the best way to do so. You can arrange your men. We can play things up. I know I’ll be safe. Maybe he isn’t even bothering anymore.”
“And if he is?” I said, furious she was insisting and knowing she was probably right.
“Then you nab him. Take him to the police. Find out who he is.”
Leo spoke up. “She’s right, Damien. If he is around, still following, he may take the chance.”
I stood. “I’ll think about it, and we’ll discuss the logistics in the morning.”
Raven didn’t budge. “We’ll discuss it now.”
I rubbed my eyes, tamping down my temper. I recalled how often Missy defied Marcus. The time Evie went on a lone shopping spree and drove Matteo mad with worry. I had laughed at their frustration. Their overreactions. I hadn’t expected it from Raven. I supposed I should have. They would laugh at me right now.
“We will have rules. Boundaries.” I pointed my finger at her. “You will adhere to them.”
“You figure it out, and I’ll bring in the men,” Leo offered. “We’ll make sure she’s safe.”
I nodded, and he left with a quiet assurance that he would contact me later.
Raven and I stared at each other.
“We have to do this, Damien. I have to do this. If we let him, we could still be wondering and worried a month from now. I can’t put my life on hold forever.”
I exhaled hard. “I know. I hate the idea, but I know.”
She stepped in front of me, laying her hand on my chest. “You’ll keep me safe. If he approaches me, you’ll get him. But maybe he listened to you. Walked away when he realized he wasn’t getting near me and I was serious when I said no.”
I covered her hand, not telling her how dubious I was. That men like him didn’t stop until they got what they wanted, or the woman they were after literally disappeared to get away from them. And even then, sometimes, it didn’t stop. I had seen it.
“You will do everything I tell you.”
“No deviations.”
“Fine. I’ll work it all out with Egan, Leo, and the men. Tomorrow, something will delay me when you go shopping, and my lazy, good-for-nothing man will sit on his ass in a car outside. You will be inside with Deb.”
She smiled. “Better not let them hear you say that.”
I laughed. “Nope. But that’s what I want Andy to think. See if it draws him out.”