Page 164 of God of Malice (Legacy of Gods 1)
“You still want me more than all the kinks and sex clubs.”
“Looks like I created a monster. Maybe we should explore your sexuality, after all.”
“Exploring my sexuality means sleeping around, hooking up. You know, the casualkinkysex you had but I didn’t get the chance to try.”
My smirk disappears. “If you’re up for fucking in their blood, then sure thing. You have the green light to pick some poor souls.”
“You honestly would do that, wouldn’t you?”
“I’ll also take pictures of the whole thing and show you them after a romantic dinner so you think twice before entertaining the idea of another dick—or pussy.”
“So you get to sleep around and I don’t.”
“You’re the only one I sleep with.”
“I’m talking about before.”
“Before is in the before. You don’t see me going around, hunting your kindergarten crush or high school sweetheart. I could, but I probably won’t.”
“Probably?” she says with enough incredulousness to write a book about it.
“Since I’m actually your first, I don’t hold a lot of grudge against them. I might find their names, slash their tires, and cause a little discomfort in their lives, like hiding their keys and busting their windows. Small-time felonies for small-dicked simpletons.”
“I’ll have you know that my secondary school boyfriend had a huge dick.”
“You said that to piss me off, didn’t you?”
She raises a brow. “Is it working?”
This little fucking witch is learning faster than should be allowed. I will go ahead and say that I fully expected her to run for the hills when I admitted that I liked to kill yesterday.
And I was ready to chase her the fuck down, tie her to my bed, and evidently cause her to add more hate to my dedicated section in her head.
So imagine my fucking surprise when she stayed. She was scared shitless, trembled with it, almost threw up because of it, but she stayed.
However, she did something a lot more interesting than staying.
Glyndon actually listened.
She asked questions, too, and was completely in the moment with me.
She wanted to know that side of me and refused the masks the whole world—my parents included—are comfortable with. Glyndon motherfucking King said she wanted the truth and meant it this time.
“Is it true?” I ask instead of answering her question. “Have you seen his presumptuouslyhugedick?”
“Yeah. I was a virgin, but not completely inexperienced. I fooled around.”
“Hmm. I’m gonna need a name.”
“Glyndon King.” She offers me her hand. “Nice to meet you.”
I glare at her hand, then at her face. “Is this supposed to be sarcasm?”
“Are you supposed to be this rude?” She grabs my hand and shakes it. “There, see how easy it is to actually be nice?”
I pull her by my hold on her hand and she yelps as she crashes against the side of the car.
“Easy there, cowboy,” she says in a breathless voice.