Page 64 of Southern Storms
She squeezed me and said the same back to me.
“So you’re the boy making my daughter become a better writer,” a voice said, making me let go of Kennedy. I looked up to see a grown-up who looked kind of like Kennedy in some ways and kind of not like her in other ways.
“Dad!” Kennedy leaped up and wrapped her arms around him, and he lifted her up and began spinning her around and around in circles. “I missed you!”
“I missed you, too, babe!” he said, sounding just as excited as his daughter.
“I’m sure you have some more love to give to your mama and sister, too,” Mrs. Lost said, leaping in with Kennedy’s sister for hugs.
I couldn’t wait to hug my mom that same way. I liked seeing Kennedy a lot, but I still missed Mom a lot, too.
“Jax, we’ve heard wonderful things about you,” Mrs. Lost said, looking my way. She really looked like Kennedy. Maybe it was the smile that was the most similar. “And since you and Kennedy had another successful year of summer camp, I was thinking maybe you should add a memory to the Lost-mobile.” She pulled out some Sharpies, and Kennedy squeaked with joy.
“Yes!” she hollered, snatching the markers from Mrs. Lost’s hand. Then she gripped my hand in hers and pulled me over quickly. “Come on, Jax! Let’s make something!”
I laughed. “You really want me to draw on your car?” I asked, nervous. Dad would’ve killed me if I drew on a car. Once, I accidentally spilled a soda in his back seat, and I got a spanking like no other.
“Yeah! It’s our memory car. Here.” She handed me a marker. “Draw however you want this summer to be remembered, okay?”
I bit my bottom lip and took the cap off the marker. After some thought, I began to draw a heart, and I put both of our initials in it.
“There,” I said, handing her the Sharpie.
Under it, Kennedy wroteFriends forever, and I knew it was true.
Forever and ever.
As we were standing by her car, laughing with Kennedy’s family, my Dad’s truck pulled up to the campsite.
The moment he saw me, he began beeping his horn, and hollering at me. “Jax! Get your ass over here so we can go.”
My stomach started hurting because I was embarrassed. Where was Mom? Why wasn’t she picking me up? I made the stupid mistake of asking Dad that question, which forced him to get out of his car. He was cussing under his breath as he walked over toward me.
“She’s sick, does it matter? I told you to get the fuck into the car. Let’s go,” he barked.
Kennedy’s dad stepped forward with a smile. “Now, come on. That level of anger isn’t really necessary. The kids were just saying goodbye, that’s all.”
Dad eyed him up and down. “How about you mind your own fucking business?”
“Okay, Dad,” I said, my body shaking. “Let’s go. I’m coming.”
I could see the look of shock on all of Kennedy’s family from the way Dad was acting. How didn’t he see it? How didn’t he see how he was embarrassing me? How didn’t he see how mean he was being?
He grabbed my luggage and dragged it away before tossing it into the back of the bed of the truck.
I turned and gave Kennedy’s family a weak smile. “It was nice meeting you all. Have a good day,” I said.
Kennedy’s dad tasseled my head and gave me a grin as he lowered himself to me. “You okay, Jax? Are you okay with your dad? I’m sure we can get you a ride home if you need or—”
“Jax! Get your ass over here!” Dad hollered, making me jump out of my skin. I knew the more I upset him, the worse it would be for me.
“I’m okay, Mr. Lost. Thank you. I h-have to go,” I stuttered. At that moment I wished he could’ve been my dad. Kennedy didn’t know how lucky she was to have someone nice like him. Someone who didn’t yell at her and call her names.
Kennedy ambushed me in a tight hug and squeezed me. She smashed our cheeks together, and I felt her tears against my skin. “I’m sorry that he’s so mean, Jax.”
“It’s okay,” I whispered. “I’m okay.”
She held me tighter before softly speaking. “If you need to run away, run away to me.”