Page 66 of Southern Storms
As I pumped faster, she tilted her head to the left, toward my bedroom window, and gasped lightly. “It’s snowing,” she whispered.
The fuck?
I looked out my window, and…I’ll be damned.The rainstorm had shifted over to a blizzard. Since when did we have blizzards in Kentucky in the middle of the damn summer?
She placed her hands upon my cheeks and made me turn back to her. “Focus on me, Jax, on this, on us,” she commanded. “Keep your eyes on me.”
I did as she said, sliding deeper into her, pulling out slowly, and pounding her fast. Damn, she felt so good against my cock. She felt so wet, and I knew that wetness was for me. I loved that I did that to her. I loved that I made her wet.
“Do you…” She breathed heavily. “Do you want…” She sighed, rolling her hips hard against me.
“What? Tell me and I’ll do it,” I promised.
“Do you want to…oh gosh, yes, right there, Jax…”
“Say it,” I demanded. “Tell me want you want.”
Her eyes locked with mine, and in the most sincere tone, she said, “Do you…” Moan. “Want to…” It began snowing over us. “Build…” On the edge of an orgasm. “A…” Seriously, it was snowing over my bed. “Snoooowman?” she screamed, dragging out the word as she released herself around my hardness, leaving me dazed and confused as the snow fell down on our naked bodies.
* * *
I shookmyself out of the most fucked-up dream I’d had in the history of ever. “What the actual fuck?!” I said, looking down at my wide-awake dick. I couldn’t come to grips with the fact that I’d just had a sex dream about Kennedy Lost…that had turned into a Disney singalong.
No more whiskey before bedtime.
And no more allowing Connor to sing fucking Disney songs while in my presence.
“Chocolate chip cookies?Now you’re speaking my language.” I smiled as I looked at the newest greeter standing at my door.
Eddie held the plate of freshly baked goods in front of me. “I have to admit that Marie cooked them—I’m just the deliveryman.”
“The gesture is appreciated,” I said. For a few moments, an awkward silence filled the space as Eddie swayed back and forth in his shoes, brushing his thumb across his nose. I arched an eyebrow. “Why do I feel like there’s something you’re not saying?”
“Because there’s something I’m not saying?” he replied, his statement coming out as a question.
“What’s going on, Eddie?”
“It’s Jax. He came to me the other day and asked if I would stop by to check in on you, to see how things are going—from a neighborly perspective, not as a therapist.”
My stomach knotted up. “Of course he did. I’m not sure what Jax has told you, but I’m okay. Truly. I’ve been through some things, but I’m working my way through my issues one day at a time.”
“Right, of course. And it is completely up to you if you choose to seek out professional help or not. Truthfully, that’s not why I’m here.”
Even more confusion stirred inside me. “Then what is it?”
“It’s Jax,” he repeated, this time with his lips turning down. “I just worry about him—as a neighborly human, not as a therapist. I worry he’s not coping with his father’s ill health. I feel as if he’s deflecting his personal struggles by focusing on yours. Do you think he’s coping well?”
I shook my head. “I’m sorry, I’m not sure. Truthfully, we just began to speak. We were friends way back in the day, but I haven’t had a chance to really see Jax as a grown man.”
“Really?” he asked. “That’s strange because he speaks about you as if you two are close…which also confused me, seeing how Jax doesn’t get close to anyone.” He scratched at his beard. “Anyway, I’ll stop digging for clues. I just wanted to drop those cookies off because Jax pretty much hammered it down my throat that I need to check to see if you were okay.”
I smiled. “I’m thankful for the check-in.”