Page 82 of Eastern Lights
“Sometimes, the only way my mind gets a break is if I’m working.”
“Fair enough.” She glanced around my office with awe in her eyes. “I think my boss would fire me if she found out I was sleeping over at my client’s house again.”
“To be fair, I wasn’t your client when you first stayed over. Plus, I’m really good with secrets.”
“Is that so?”
“The best, actually. I have a special location in my brain where I keep people’s deepest, darkest secrets caged away.”
“Well, it’s very nice of you to be such a trustworthy source of secrecy.”
“I take it to heart when someone tells me a secret. So, don’t you worry. Your boss will never know about your night spent with me.”
“Thank you. So, why does your mind do that?”
“You said your workload depends on how fast your mind is spinning. What makes your mind spin so fast?”
I smirked. “Is this off the record?”
“Scout’s honor.” She saluted.
“Were you a scout as a kid?”
She cocked an eyebrow. “What? No, I’m a journalist.”
“Then you can’t say Scout’s honor. It doesn’t mean anything if you aren’t a scout.”
“Potato, po-tah-to.” She waved me off in a dismissive fashion. “No matter what, I’m not going to tell anyone what we talk about tonight. Your secrets are safely locked in the secret chamber of my brain, too.”
I thumbed the rim of my glass. “I overthink everything. I sometimes think I live in the future more than I live in the now. In order for me to slow the speed of my mind, I focus on what’s in front of me. That normally includes working.”
“Why are you so afraid of the future?”
I chuckled. “Who said I was afraid?”
“Your eyes when you talk.”
“I’m having some déjà vu of when we first met, and you read me,” I joked.
“I thought about you a lot after that night together,” she confessed. “Even after we went our own ways, you stayed on my mind for weeks…months.”
“That went both ways.”
“Truth or truth?” she asked me.
“Did you ever go back to any of the places we promised not to go?”
I smirked. “Once or twice. I mean, you can only leave so much up to destiny. I just wanted to see you again. I apologize for breaking our agreement.”
“It’s all right. I broke it, too—mainly because the comic bookstore was epic in insane proportions. The nerd in me was called back to that place.”
“Fair enough.”
“I did, however, glance around the corners a few times, hoping to find you.”