Page 102 of Western Waves
“She’s pretty amazing.”
I shrugged. “You should wait to see what she got you for Christmas. You’ll probably really adore her.”
He kissed me.
I loved it.
“This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had,” he swore, holding me close to his body. I turned so I was facing him, straddling him in the chair. My arms wrapped around his neck, and I held him close. “Is that so?”
“It is. I can’t even think of what you could’ve gotten me as a gift that’s better than you.”
I laughed. “You’re starting to sound like a romantic comedy, sir.”
“The Stella effect.” He chuckled, giving me more ocean kisses. “I’ve been hanging around you too much.”
“Do you want your gift now? I have to have Grams bring it over from the guesthouse but knowing Grams, I’m certain she’s up already awake.”
“That’s great. Then I can give her the gift I got her,” he mentioned.
My heart swooned. He bought Grams a gift, too?
Did he know it? Did he know he was such a good person?
After getting dressed, we called Grams over, and she came carrying gifts for both Damian and me.
“Merry Christmas!” she remarked, coming in wearing a grin from ear to ear. We all exchanged hugs and greetings before heading to the living room to open Grams’s gifts to us, and she opened ours.
“New tarot cards?” she observed as she opened Damian’s gift set. It had crystals and magic spell books along with sage and tea. “This is amazing.”
“I have no clue what any of that stuff is, but I figured it reminded me of you.”
“You know me well,” she commented.
I couldn’t help but laugh as the two hugged. I then handed Grams her gift from me.
“What’s so funny?” she asked.
“You’ll see. Open it,” I replied.
She did as I said and laughed as she pulled out the same deck of tarot cards that Damian had given her. “You two didn’t know you got me the same cards?”
“Not at all,” I told her.
“Kindred spirits,” she said, smiling toward the both of us. “Your souls must be entangled.”
I smiled toward Damian, and he smiled toward me.
Grams grinned and clapped her hands together. “I knew it.”
“Knew what?” I asked.
She gestured toward Damian and me. “This.”
I blushed and didn’t say anything to her comment, but she didn’t go into more detail about her discovery. She simply handed out our gifts. She handed them out to us each. She’d given me a set
of new paintbrushes and art supplies, which was exactly what I needed. Damian’s gift was extra special. He grabbed the package and opened it.
It was one of Kevin’s most prized possessions—his favorite camera that he used for his photography.