Page 13 of Western Waves
I swore their eyes lit up as if it were Christmas morning. “I think that’s for the best,” Rosalina mentioned.
“Go ahead,” Damian said. “Take it.”
He turned and walked out of the room, allowing the door to slam behind him.
“That’s the right thing to do.” Catherine smiled, feeling pleased. “We all deserve it after having to raise that kid of his. I deserve it the most, seeing how I raised her the longest.”
She spoke about me as if I wasn’t right here.
“All you care about is the money?” I asked, feeling as if my mind was in a washing machine and my thoughts were being forced to spin round and round at such an uneven pace. I couldn’t even piece together everything being said, let alone the idea that Kevin wanted me to wed Damian.
Why would he do that?
Knowing for a fact that I was in a long-term relationship, too.
“It doesn’t matter what we care about,” Denise said. “It matters that these were Kevin’s final wishes. And do you really want to go against them? He wanted the money to come to me.”
“Us,” Rosalina corrected.
I felt nauseous.
Grams turned to me and smiled. “You don’t owe this world a thing, sweetheart. Not even Kevin.”
The comfort she gave was kind, but I didn’t believe her words. In a way, I owed Kevin everything. He gave me a world when I had nothing left. I didn’t understand why he did it, but I knew he had to have a good enough reason.
“He wanted this, Grams,” I whispered in a shaky voice.
“Yes,” she agreed. “But what do you want?”
To make him proud.
Without much thought, I raced out of the office to find Damian with his hand on the front door of the home, ready to leave.
“Damian, wait!”
“Why? There’s nothing left for me here.”
“Yes, there is. The will—”
“Is complete trash. I should’ve known better than to uproot my life and move to this fucking state all because of a random letter from a man who didn’t give a damn about me. I’m leaving.”
“No, you can’t,” I said, inserting myself between him and the door.
“Christ, not this again, lady,” he muttered.
“Don’t care. Yes, I know, but we should at least talk about this. Kevin wouldn’t just do this without a reason. There has to be a deeper meaning to his actions.”
“What does ‘I don’t care’ mean to you? Because I truly don’t give a shit about a deeper meaning.”
“Well, I do.”
“I know, and I get it. You’re some modern-day Cinderella who is trying to go from rags to riches, but I don’t really give a damn about any of that.”
“What? No. I don’t care about the money. I’m no Cinderella.”