Page 52 of Western Waves
“Listen, if you have a secret romantic comedy kink you’re hiding from me, don’t. We don’t kink shame here. To some women, that would be a huge turn-on.” I paused. “I mean, if you’re into dating. I mean, it’s fine if you’re not. But, well, are you in a relationship? We haven’t really spoken about that, and—”
“Are we going to play twenty questions or are you going to start the movie?”
I sat up straighter, hopeful.
He underestimated how much I would’ve enjoyed a game of twenty questions.
“No, Cinderstella,” he muttered.
“But, Beast—”
“Hit play.”
I pouted but did as he said. We began watching the movie, and every now and again, Damian would give his bitter commentary, which I’d combat with my witty humor, and he’d almost smile, and I’d almost like it, round and round like a hamster wheel.
Then during one scene, it almost looked like he teared up. Though, he shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth before the glassy eyes could stay. I parted my lips to make a comment, but my phone ringing interrupted my thoughts.
I saw Jeff’s name flash across the screen. Damian’s eyes looked over to me, and he grabbed the remote and hit pause on the movie.
Thank you, I mouthed.
He nodded in acknowledgment and went back to his popcorn.
I answered the call and slightly turned my back toward Damian. “Hey, Jeff, what’s going on? Shouldn’t you be starting your—”
“Uh, hi. This is Kate,” a voice said, cutting through the line. “I’m calling on behalf of Jeff.”
I sat straight. “Oh? Who are you? Why do you have his phone?”
“I work at the club that Jeff was supposed to be DJing at. He ended up wasted off his ass before he could even start the gig. It took everything to get him to be able to open his phone for me to call you. Can you come get him?”
“Oh my goodness, yes. Is he okay?”
I noticed Damian sit up a bit straighter out of the corner of my eye.
“Yeah, he’s just drunk. A bit of a dick, too, but you know, alcohol can do that to a person.” Kate gave me the address of the club, and I thanked her before hanging up quickly. I stood to my feet, and Damian stood at the same time as me, with an alarmed expression.
“Is everything all right?” he asked.
I shook my head. “No. Jeff. He, uh, he got a bit intoxicated and needs a ride home tonight. I have to go pick him up.” I glanced at the television and back to Damian. “I’m sorry we have to stop the movie. You can continue if—”
“I’ll wait for you to return.”
I frowned. “No. It’s fine. You go ahead. It’s not a problem.”
“I’ll wait for you,” he gently stated, repeating the same exchange we had earlier when I told him I’d wait for him to begin the film. I swore for a moment he smiled, but it was gone as fast as it appeared. I parted my lips to reply, but he shook his head. “Go.”
So, I went.
Jeff wasn’t a fun drunk.Quite the opposite, honestly. I knew whenever he had a big gig coming up, he’d try to use alcohol to calm his nerves. Unfortunately, he didn’t know his limit and was a professional at surpassing it.