Page 54 of Western Waves
“I can get that stuff,” a voice said, making me turn to find Damian standing behind me. His hands were slipped into his sweatpants pockets, and he stood tall and stern, unlike my boyfriend.
“Oh, no, it’s fine. I figured you wouldn’t want to finish watching the movie after witnessing that situation.”
“Did he hurt you?”
“Your boyfriend. Did he hurt you?”
I laughed slightly, confused by his comments. “What? Of course not. He’s just drunk and—”
“Belittles you.”
My body reacted to his words as chills raced down my spine. I shook my head. “I know it might seem that way, and I’m sorry for how he presented himself.”
“It’s not your job to apologize for a man.”
“Yes, no, I know, but…” Why was he being so short and snappy toward me? Why was he making this out to be something it wasn’t? “Jeff… he’s not himself when he’s drunk.”
“I’ve seen men like him,” he said. “He’s more himself now than when he’s sober.”
“You don’t even know him.”
“I know enough.”
“Listen, I don’t know what you think you know, but you don’t. You have no clue what my situation is with Jeff and—”
“I truly hope that ass backs you up behind his back the way you back him up. But I doubt it.”
He was being extremely cold to me, but I couldn’t understand why. Sure, Jeff was drunk and said a few off-kilter comments, but it was nothing that called for Damian to react in the way he had. He was taking it overboard for some reason, and I couldn’t understand why.
“Why do you care, anyway?” I asked.
“I don’t.”
“Then maybe it’s best if you mind your own business,” I said, rubbing my hand up and down my arm.
“Yeah. Maybe.”
“Good night, Damian.”
He didn’t reply, which wasn’t shocking.
After cleaning up, I headed outside toward the ocean, wanting to feel close to both Mama and Kevin. The waves crashed against the shore, and I walked out into the water, wanting to wash away all the insecurities that were filling me up.
I wanted to wash away Jeff’s outburst and drunkenness. I wanted to peel away Damian’s coldness and commentary. I wanted to be free of all outside criticism.
So, I submerged myself beneath the waves, and I begged my ancestors to heal me.
“Shit, my head,”Jeff mumbled as he rolled around in the bed. I’d been waiting one too many hours for him to wake up from his drunken night.
“I’m surprised you’re not throwing up,” I commented as I sat on the edge of the mattress.
He shifted around and rubbed the palms of his hands against his eyes. When he adjusted to his surroundings, he groaned as I’m sure the light flooding the room intensified his headache.