Page 66 of Western Waves
“I can scoop some in a bowl for you.”
“Um, I’m not going to turn down that offer. You can join me for a movie tonight, too, if you want. Seeing how our last one didn’t work out.”
“No, thank you.”
I felt a bit disappointed as if I messed up the chance of us building a friendship of some kind. “Okay.”
He went and got me a bowl of ice cream, and I smiled when I saw he even added rainbow sprinkles. “I love sprinkles!” I remarked. He almost smiled. He stared at me as if his mind was overthinking something. “What is it?” I asked.
“Nothing. You just…” He muttered something and shifted around nervously. “You look nice today.”
My cheeks flushed as I looked down at my sweatshirt and sweatpants. I also had zit cream sitting against my chin. “I do?”
“Yes. You do. You look beautiful.”
Where was this coming from?
“Thank you, Damian.”
“Maybe a rain check. On the romantic comedy?”
“Oh, yes, of course. I’d love that.”
“Good night, Cinderstella.”
“Good night, Beast.”
He left me with a whirl of butterflies that were interrupted when Jeff texted me.
Jeff:I was thinking, maybe we could do a double date with Dillon.
Jeff:Right. What’s the name of the girl from your job that you get along with? The girl you brought to Thanksgiving? Kelsey?
He got her name right at least. Which he should’ve, seeing how Kelsey had been spending birthdays and holidays with us for the past three years. She moved out to Los Angeles from England on her own years back to try to start her acting career, and I instantly connected with her. She needed a family, and I was more than happy to invite her into my little world.
Stella:Yeah, that’s her.
Jeff:You said she was single. How about a blind date setup?
Stella:Oh gosh, no. I don’t even know what type of guy Kelsey’s into.
Jeff:I’ve seen that guy. Any woman would be into him. Besides, you said he’s not seeing anyone. What’s the big deal about inviting Kelsey, too? Unless there’s a reason you don’t want him to be dating someone else.
What in the world did he mean by that? I could feel the odd attitude from his message, but I hated arguing over text messages. Things could always be taken the wrong way. So, I rolled it off my shoulders until we’d be able to talk about it in person.
Stella:Of course not. I’ll have to see if it’s something he’d be interested in.
Jeff:I’ll make a reservation for four.
I told him to hold off on the reservation until I asked Damian if he’d be okay with the plan, but Jeff went ahead and set it up anyway, saying he’d change it to three if need be.
Jeff:I’ll pick you all up on Wednesday night. Then you’re coming home with me.
I didn’t say anything in response because I could tell he was in an odd mood.
“Hi there,”I said, crossing paths with Damian as he was about to wash a load of clothes.