Page 7 of Western Waves
Definitely not Kevin’s gentleness.
Definitely,definitelyKevin’s eyes.
“What are you doing here?!” I barked, annoyed by his existence. Annoyed that he reminded me so much of Kevin. Annoyed that he ate my freaking scone.
“What do most people normally do at funerals, lady?”
“Again, don’t care.”
“Sorry, I… you…” I shook my head, trying to pull myself together.
“He’s old,” he mentioned, looking down at Kevin. “I didn’t expect that.”
“What do you mean by that?”
He shrugged. “Shit, I don’t know. He’s just… older than I thought.”
“You shouldn’t curse in a church.”
“Shit, my bad,” he sarcastically remarked.
What a jerk. But still, it kind of made me laugh a little.
I narrowed my eyes. “How did you know Kevin?”
“I didn’t.”
“Oh.” I let out a sarcastic laugh. “One of my favorite pastimes is going to random people’s funerals.”
He stared at me blankly.
“It was a joke,” I mentioned, “but clearly not a funny one, I suppose. Perhaps jokes at funerals are frowned upon. Not by him, though,” I said, gesturing to Kevin’s casket. “He doesn’t do much frowning at all anymore.” I laughed. “That was another joke,” I said. “But I guess not a funny one, either. Okay, how about this? Knock, knock?”
He kept staring, seemingly uninterested.
I finished the joke on my own because when situations became awkward, I liked to kick them even deeper into the land of uncomfortableness. “Who’s there? Not Kevin, that’s who. Because he’s dead. Ha-ha. Get it? Funeral jokes.”
He blinked.
He grimaced.
He looked away from me.
“For a man who crashes funerals, you sure don’t have a funny bone,” I mentioned. Oh my gosh, what was wrong with me? I was blurting out the most random, awkward things to this stranger who showed up to a funeral for a man he hadn’t even known.
Yet he looked strikingly familiar in the most comforting way.
Stop talking, Stella.
I cleared my throat and smoothed my hands over my dress. “I’m sorry. I awkwardly laugh at uncomfortable situations. Plus, Kevin and I always had a bit of a morbid sense of humor. And, well, I—why did you eat the scone?” I spat out as my lips moved as quickly as my thoughts, which led to the train wreck.
“Not this again.”
“Yes, this again. You didn’t even want it!”
“If I didn’t want it, I wouldn’t have ordered it.”