Page 78 of Western Waves
She looked at me as if she was trying to find answers about me to the questions she hadn’t even thought up yet.
She blinked and shook her head. “I’m clumsy sometimes.”
“It’s okay.”
“Jeff always said it was annoying.”
“Jeff’s an asshole.”
She looked at me, a bit stunned by my words.
I instantly regretted them, even if they were true. “Sorry,” I muttered.
“It’s okay.” She looked around and then leaned forward and began to whisper. “Between you and me, he’s kind of an asshole.”
I matched her level of volume. “The type with asshole tendencies?”
“No.” She shook her head. “Just a big bologna-headed asshole.”
I smirked. “Bologna-headed. I’ll be adding that to my list of insults for individuals.”
“If you’re interested, I have an array of tacky names for jerks. Like fart-face fucker. Butthole bastard. Pimple-popper pain in the ass.”
I laughed. “All of those are ridiculous.”
“I’m the definition of ridiculous.”
“It works for you,” I whispered back after a long round of whispering.
“Why are you whispering?” she asked with her tone still quiet as a mouse.
“Because you are. Why are you whispering?” I questioned.
“Because I’m drunk, silly.” Her words made me smile. She tapped her finger against my lips. “When I’m sober, can you do more of this with your lips?”
“More of what?”
She stepped backward, and I missed the feeling of her finger against my mouth. I had an urge to suck on it slowly when it was there, so it was probably best she pulled it away.
She gestured toward her lips and created a big grin. “Smile. I like your smile.”
“I like yours more,” I confessed, and it felt extremely vulnerable for me to say.
“I’ll trade you some of mine if you trade me some of yours.”
You have no clue what you’re doing to me, woman, I thought to myself.
My mind couldn’t create words good enough to combat her comments, so I stood still, uncertain what to do with myself when I was in front of her. Thankfully, she was too intoxicated to notice my awkwardness.
“It was there,” she said, staring my way.
“What was?”
Her eyes flashed with emotions. “The truth was in her eyes,” she mentioned.
She nodded. “Yes.”