Page 38 of Northern Stars
I snickered. “Makes sense.”
“Which would mean that you had B.D.E. for how you stood up for me.” I glanced up at her and saw her cheeks flushing over with nerves. “I’ll let you assume what that stands for.”
After the interactionCarlton had with Aiden’s fist, he didn’t give me any more trouble. And as the weeks passed, the popular kids got bored with him, and he went back to his previous social standing.
Then there was the newest issue at hand—my newfound crush on my best friend.
After the house party he threw for me and the punches he also tossed around in my honor, I couldn’t get him off my mind. Even sitting beside him on the school bus as he yapped away about any and everything as he drew was a bit too much for me. I felt uncomfortably sweaty whenever he’d look my way, and those blue eyes locked with mine.
Had his eyes always been that blue? Had he always made me feel this way?
Over the past few weeks, we celebrated our eighteenth birthdays together. As I blew out the candles on my cake, I wished that I’d stop feeling the feelings I’d felt for Aiden. When Aiden blew out his candles, I’d made the same wish.
It didn’t work.
I’d only felt more feelings for him.
Would the butterflies I had for him pass over time?
Of course, they would. It was just a silly, passing crush.
Nothing more, nothing less. I was fine. Totally fine.
No,no, no, no, no.
My heart was beginning to beat out of order when Aiden approached me at the bus stop. It’d been behaving odder and odder each day that passed whenever he showed up.
What was that smell?
Was that Aiden? Why did he smell like that? Did he always smell that good? It was like he was soaked in the universe’s favorite cologne, and it was making me insane. His scents were overwhelmingly delicious, like a baked citrus scone on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I wanted to bathe in Aiden’s scent. Oh yes, I wanted to swim in a pool of his aroma and dip my pillows in the same smell so when I fell asleep, I could dream of him and breathe him in against my pillowcases.
Wait, no.
Act normal, Hailee. Don’t be awkward.
“What do you think?” Aiden asked as I sat beside him on the bus.
He narrowed his eyes at me. “The acting role I’m up for. Do you think I should audition for it?”
Wait? Were you talking this whole time? I was too busy staring at your lips. Were your lips always that full and moisturized? What kind of ChapStick are you using? Was there always a rosy tint to them?
“Hailee?!” he called out, snapping his fingers in front of my face.
I grumbled and shook my head, breaking my stare from his smackers. “What?!”
“Dude. Did you not sleep last night? You’re grumpy.”
“I’m not,” I spat out, sounding remarkably grumpy indeed. At least he saw it as grumpiness instead of what it really was—me being hot and bothered. Luckily, he thought I was solely bothered. I cleared my throat. “Sure, take it,” I said about the movie role.
“Yeah, why not?” Confession: I had no clue what he was asking me about because, for the past fifteen minutes, I’d been deeply engrossed in his lips and scents. Scents and lips.Oh my gosh, you’re staring at his lips again, Hailee. Stop it!