Page 44 of Northern Stars
The way she eyed my body up and down with a look of disgust showed exactly what she meant by her commentary. Within an instant, I regretted eating that popcorn and the hot dogs.
Aiden’s reaction was the opposite of mine, though. His wasn’t shame; it was anger. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he demanded, his kind persona fading as his nostrils began to flare.
“No offense.” The girl giggled. “She just doesn’t seem like your type.”
“My type?” he barked. His tone made it out as if he were about to snap at these strangers. Before he could, I put a comforting hand against his shoulder.
“Let’s go,” I whispered.
“They’re assholes,” he mumbled under his breath.
“Yeah,” I agreed. “But let’s go.”
He did as I said as I tugged him away. By the time we reached the car, Aiden was still sitting in an energy of rage, but still, he opened the passenger door for me. Even in his anger, he was still so gentle with me.
He climbed into the driver’s seat and shut his door. His hands gripped the steering wheel, and he shut his eyes as he released weighted breaths of irritation.
I sat in silence for a moment. “Aiden, it’s okay. I—”
He held a finger up to silence me, then went back to holding the steering wheel.
When he was ready, he turned to me, and his eyes were packed with so much emotion and sincerity that I felt tears pushing to the forefront of my eyes.
“Everything about you keeps me in awe, Hailee. From your face to your waist and from your hips to your thighs, you are remarkable. Every inch of your being is something I long for. But it’s not just the physical stuff either, even though holy fuck, your physical stuff,” he groaned in delight as he bit his fist jokingly, making me laugh.
Then he grew more somber as he continued. “Your body, mind, and spirit, I want it all. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, Hailee Jones, and I’m in love with you. You’re the kindest, funniest, most caring person in this world, and I’m in love with you. You have the most stunning brown eyes I get lost in, and I’m in love with you. You have a smile that I dream about constantly, and I’m in love with you. You’re gentle and strong, and I’m in love with you. And every time someone disrespects you, it sets off a rage inside me because you are the most incredible person I’ve ever met, and I’m in love with you.”
He had tears rolling down his cheeks from either rage from the others or from his love for me. Maybe it was a mixture of both. Aiden didn’t cry often, and he didn’t cry easily, so the fact that he felt safe enough to show that side of him in front of me made me feel so much joy.
I wiped his tears before leaning toward him and placing my forehead against his. “You’re my best friend, Aiden.” My mouth was millimeters away from his. My heart was racing faster and faster, pounding wildly against my rib cage. I leaned in, brushing my lips against his. “And I’m in love with you.”
As Haileeand I pulled up to our houses, we had a nice surprise waiting. Two sets of parents sitting on their front porches with looks of annoyance plastered on their faces.
“Oh boy. Do you think we got caught?” Hailee asked.
I put the car in park. “Judging by the way my father’s nose is flaring, all signs point to yes.”
Hailee tilted her head toward me with a big smile on her face. “We are about to be grounded for life.”
“Worth it?”
I laid my head against the headrest and grinned. “Worth it.” I squeezed her hand before we both climbed out to face our punishments. We went our separate ways, and even though I knew Hailee’s parents might’ve been a little tough on her, I was certain my father would take the cake on the rage factor.
I already felt my panic rising as I walked over to my parents. “Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad.”
“Don’t ‘hey, Dad’ me. Why weren’t you at school today?”
“I…um, well…” I stuttered, feeling like an idiot because finding words always seemed hard whenever I was confronted by my father. “We, uh—”
“Spit it out,” he ordered.
“Maybe we should move this inside,” Mom said, walking over to me. She glanced down the street at our nosy neighbors. Then she placed a hand on Dad’s shoulder. “Inside, Sam.”