Page 51 of Northern Stars
“Yeah, he said the same thing last time, right before he crashed the vehicle.”
“He’s doing better now.”
“Oh, is he? Is that why he abandoned our son at a diner? Because he’s got his shit together? I don’t want that man in our lives anymore. He’s no good, and he’s proved that fact time and time again.”
“What do you want me to say, huh? You want me to ditch my cousin?”
“Yes! You don’t owe him anything. You are not your cousin’s keeper.”
“He deserves to have a connection with Aiden.”
“No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t deserve an ounce of my son’s love, especially with how he keeps abusing it. I’m disgusted that you think he does.”
I had enough of listening to them argue. I felt my panic coming back as I scratched at the palms of my hands. I headed to my window and climbed outside. It was almost December, and the weather showcased it. The chilly breeze brushed against my face as goose bumps formed on my forearms.
I knocked on Hailee’s window, and she came over smiling. The moment she saw me, her grin dropped. She opened the window, and she could hear my parents arguing. She didn’t say a word. She just stepped to the side and let me climb into her room.
I lay on her bed, and she shut off the lights and climbed in beside me. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Are you sure? You can tell me anything.”
I grimaced. “I’m not the best at talking about the hard stuff. My mind gets too jumbled trying to speak the words out loud.”
“Oh, okay. Well, how can I help you tonight?”
“Just be here with me. That will be enough.”
She snuggled into me, and she fell asleep in my arms.
There it is.
The way Hailee Jones loved me… that was it.
That was exactly how I wanted to be loved.
I didn’t need anything from her. I just needed…her.
After our newfound romance,Aiden had to head off to Los Angeles for some business work for two weeks. I dreaded having him gone, but I kept my head down and counted the days until his return. During his trip, he was busy, but there wasn’t an evening when he didn’t make time to call me. Each morning before I went to school, he’d send me a text message saying he hoped I had a great day. When I called him out about the two-hour time difference, he told me he set an alarm to tell me good morning, then he’d hit snooze on his clock and go back to sleep.
Aiden Walters, ladies and gentlemen. The boy who set the standards.
Each day at lunch, I’d sit alone at my table. Carlton noticed me one day, but he didn’t dare walk over to me. He knew we had nothing to say to one another. The popular kids had already ditched him, too, seeing as how they’d had their laughs. That didn’t mean they were done mocking me yet, though.
“Hey, Hailee, how are you doing?” Cara asked, sliding into the lunch booth across from me. She had two followers with her, and they sat on either side of her. They were smiling as bright as ever, which was enough of an alarm for me.
They were smiling, but it didn’t seem like a peaceful approach. I was on high alert.
“Hi?” I said as a question.
Cara grinned and leaned in toward me. She took my hands into hers. “I think it’s great that you and Aiden have officially become official. I mean, who doesn’t love a friends-to-lovers trope, am I right?”