Page 58 of Northern Stars
“I’m not.”
“You are. I see it. But you don’t understand. I’m down sixteen pounds, Aiden. I’m losing weight. And it’s going to be fine, and people aren’t going to say things about me in articles, and you won’t have to be embarrassed to be seen with me. I was eating too much before, anyway. This is working for me. I know it is. It’s fine, and I’ll stop once I get to my goal weight. Everything’s fine. This is just temporary.”
It was as if she reached into my chest and ripped my heart out. The panic and fears were pouring out of her as she spoke, and I knew it was my fault. I knew if it wasn’t for me and my stupid career, Hailee would’ve never had to doubt herself in the way she was doubting.
“We can get you help, Hails. To do this in a healthy way, but this isn’t it. Your parents can—”
“You can’t tell anyone. I swear to God, Aiden, if you tell anyone, I will never speak to you again. I have this under control.”
I narrowed my eyes in confusion. “You don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t be doing something like this. I can’t keep this from them. Not if it’s hurting you.”
“It’s not! It’s helping me. Don’t you see? I’m happier now,” she said as tears streamed down her cheeks. “I’m getting skinnier.”
“That shit doesn’t matter, Hailee. You were perfect the way you were. Your weight doesn’t define you.”
“Tell that to the internet!” she cried, tears falling faster and faster.
Before I could reply, I heard the front door of her house open as our parents walked in. “Dessert time!” Dad shouted. “Karl, I hope you’re making me an old-fashioned to go with dessert.”
“You got it,” Karl replied.
Hailee quickly wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. She looked at me and grabbed my arm. “Promise me you won’t say anything to anyone, okay? Promise me not as my boyfriend but as my best friend.”
“Only if you swear you’ll stop.”
“I swear.”
Her bottom lip twitched.
She was lying.
I hated that she felt as if she had to lie to me. I hated that she was struggling. I hated that she was dealing with demons I’d help place in her mind. I also hated that I had to break her heart by telling her parents.
“I’m sorry, Hailee,” I muttered before leaving her bedroom.
“No, no!” she shouted, chasing after me.
I hurried to the kitchen where Karl and Penny were preparing dessert, and I called out to them. “Karl, Penny, there’s something you need to know.”
“He’s lying!” Hailee stuttered as she reached the room. “He’s lying!”
“Wait, wait, wait, what’s going on?” Karl asked.
“Aiden, don’t,” Hailee begged.
I didn’t want to hurt her. I didn’t want her to be pissed at me. But even more so, I didn’t want to lose her. And with what she was doing, there was a chance I could lose my best friend. My person. My Jerry.
I turned to her parents and said, “Hailee’s been throwing up after all her meals.”
“Aiden,” she pleaded, but I continued.
“I’ve been watching her closely, and I noticed something was off for a while now, but I wasn’t sure until tonight. Well, I caught her in the act. I just thought that was something you should know.”
Penny’s eyes shot to her daughter. “Is this true, Hailee?”
“I, it, I-I-I’m, it’s fine,” she stuttered over her words as the tears fell from her eyes. She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m fine. I’m fine.”
Her parents rushed to her and caught her as she began to fall apart.