Page 9 of Northern Stars
I am.
More than words.
I could cry right now thinking of you leaving me.
I rolled my eyes. “Missing is a dramatic term and a weak human emotion that keeps people from focusing on their lives.”
Aiden smiled. “I’ll miss you, too, Hails.”
“When do you leave?” I asked.
“Tomorrow, actually.”
As in…the day after today?
As in…within less than twenty-four hours?
As in…Oh no.My heart. It was starting to feel as if it was being ripped apart. First slowly, then all at a painfully quick speed.
So that was what heartbreak felt like. It amazed me how a heart could break so quietly when others were around. I see why some people avoided the sensation and chose not to love at all. Aiden hadn’t even known as I sat in front of him that every piece of me was aching. That every piece of me was in the depths of sadness. I couldn’t keep sitting there. If I did, I’d cry. If I cried, he’d feel bad. I didn’t want him to feel bad because something great was happening to him. Still, it felt as if the best day of his life was my worst, and I wasn’t certain how to deal with that.
Emotions and things. Yuck.
I stood from the grass, dusted off my semi-wet bottom, and started heading toward my window.
“Wait, where the heck are you going? We just got out here.”
“I’ve got some homework to finish.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “But…I just told you I’m leaving tomorrow.”
“Yeah. I heard you.”
“Don’t you want to hang out or something? Before my big send-off in the morning?”
In the morning?
I didn’t even get until the afternoon?
Tears. They were screaming to fall.
“It’s fine, Aiden. Have a nice trip. I’ll see you in a year.”
“Hailee, wait—”
I didn’t. I went into my bedroom, shut my window, closed my blinds, and I cried. Aiden pounded on my window for a little while and texted me repeatedly, but I didn’t respond.
Aiden:I leave at seven in the morning. You better be there to say goodbye, Hails. See you in the morning.
When morning came, I still wasn’t ready to say goodbye. Mama sat on the edge of my bed, and Dad leaned against my bedroom doorframe.
“You should go say goodbye, Hailee. They are going to pull out any minute now,” Mama told me.
Dad nodded in agreement. “I saw them getting into the car.”