Page 99 of Northern Stars
Five years.
I’d missed five years of having Hailee in my life. I knew I couldn’t go another five years without her. I didn’t see the drama of my father telling Hailee to end things with me coming to center stage. I came to town with a chip on my shoulder, ready to avoid the woman who broke my heart, only to learn that she’d broken my heart because she thought she was saving my dreams.
Noble Hailee.
That was very much in line with her character. Which was another reason I’d always been crazy about her. She’d always tried to do the right thing, even when it was hard.
I’d give her the space to process her feelings while I did my best to avoid mine. It appeared that over the past five years, Hailee had grown into herself. She still had my favorite parts to her soul, but she seemed more mature. More confident. More…healed.
I envied that. The only thing I’d developed over the past five years was more trauma. I wasn’t sure how to start facing any of it, but before I could even try, my mother showed up at the Starlight Inn to add a bit more shit to my trauma suitcase.
The moment I opened my door to find her, I grimaced. “Look, Mom. I’m not ready to talk to Dad or about what happened. I know you’re used to playing the peacekeeper role, but—”
“This isn’t about your father, sweetheart,” she said, teary-eyed.
My concern grew instantly. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing bad. Well, depending on how you look at it. Can I come in?”
“Of course. Come on.” I stepped to the side and let her in. She sat down on the bed and hugged her purse to her chest. I sat down beside her and placed a comforting hand against her shoulder. “What’s going on, Mom?”
“Mom,” she echoed me and burst into tears. She placed her face in her hands and cried. At that very moment, every piece of me shattered.
“Shit, what happened?” I urged, pulling her into a hug.
“Watch your language,” she sobbed as she trembled in my arms. “It’s fine, really. I’m just emotional. It’s silly.” She released herself from the hug and wiped her eyes. “I’m just glad I didn’t wear any makeup today.”
“You never really need it.”
“Still.” She sniffled and tried to gain her composure. She then shook her head and rolled her shoulders back. “I’ve thought about this day for over twenty-four years, and it’s now here.” She reached into her purse and pulled out an envelope. “It’s a letter.”
“I see that.”
“From your mother.”
I arched an eyebrow. “Why did you write me a letter?”
“No.” She shook her head. “Your biological mother.”
My heart dropped. I immediately felt sick to my stomach as she placed the envelope into my hands.
“It showed up at the house today. A part of me thought about not giving it to you, and I know how awful that sounds, but…” She smiled as tears welled up in her eyes. “I had a brief moment of fear, but you deserve that letter. So I brought it to you.”
I didn’t know what to say.
I didn’t know how to react.
Within my hands were words from the woman who put me up for adoption. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about her time and time again. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t wondered who she’d been all my life. Yet my thoughts always felt like a fever dream. Like something that would’ve never come to life. I figured my thoughts would be just that—thoughts.
Now, she felt real.
That envelope made it real.
“Your father doesn’t know I gave you the letter. He’d probably try to talk me out of it,” Mom explained.
“Yeah, well, he’s known for making shitty choices on my behalf.”