Page 5 of Gareth
Focusing on her cell again, Aria phoned her supervisor to let her know to not put her on the upcoming schedule. She would work her next shift, and thankfully, since she hadn’t been scheduled for more, she wouldn’t leave them in a lurch.
It was time to focus on her new life.
The drive was longer than what the navigating software said it would be to reach Serenity Point. She’d left Sacramento the previous evening, wanting to get a few hours out of the way since it was supposed to be a fifteen-hour trip. After driving six hours and stopping at a cheap motel, the remainder of the trip had taken eleven hours because of stops she made along the way. It was a relief when she saw the signs indicating Serenity Point wasn’t too much further.
Though she’d lived her entire life in a city, she was looking forward to experiencing small town life. It couldn’t be too bad a place considering that Janessa had come back after graduating, even though she could have gotten a job in Seattle where they’d both ended up for college.
The winter sun had disappeared hours earlier, casting the road she travelled on into darkness. Thankfully, there wasn’t much traffic, so her slower pace wouldn’t annoy anyone. She had put Janessa’s address into the GPS of her car, and carefully followed it to find the place she’d soon call home. Excitement fluttered inside her.
As the GPS guided her the final distance to the house, Aria gripped her steering wheel and let out a sign of relief. The exhaustion after spending so many hours on the road slipped away as she pulled to the curb in front of her new home.
Aria knew it was the right place because Janessa had sent her a picture of the house. She’d fallen in love with the large two-story home from the moment she’d seen it, and it just made her feel even more like she’d made the right decision.
She’d barely pulled to the curb when the front door of the house opened, and Janessa appeared, hurrying down the wide stairs that led to the sidewalk. Grinning, Aria climbed out from behind the wheel of her car and rounded the car to greet her friend, trying not to shiver as the frosty January air of Northern Idaho hit her.
Though they’d video chatted off and on, it had been forever since they’d seen each other in person. Aria couldn’t keep from laughing as she wrapped her arms around Janessa.
“You’re here!” Janessa squealed. “You’re finally here!”
“I’m here!”
The two of them held on to each other as they rocked back and forth. Finally, Janessa released her and stepped back. “It issogood to see you.”
“I’m so glad to be here,” Aria said. “That was alongdrive.”
“Well, let’s unload your stuff so you can crash.”
“Luckily, it’s just suitcases and bags,” Aria told her. “No furniture.”
“I’ve got your room all set up,” Janessa said as she pulled one of the suitcases out of the back of Aria’s car. “So you can just fall into bed.”
Aria made sure to grab the bag she’d packed with her essentials so she wouldn’t have to unpack any other bag that night. With the other suitcase in hand, she locked the car, hoping that no one would walk off with the rest of her stuff while she was inside.
As they stepped through the front door, Aria came to a stop, looking around at the foyer area. A glossy wood floor was covered by a large area rug. From where she stood, she could see into a spacious living room filled with overstuffed furniture. Lamps sat on dark wood end tables, casting a warm yellow glow throughout the room. There was also a large, unlit stone fireplace with a wood mantle in the middle of the far wall. It was like she’d stepped into a different world.
“You’re upstairs with me,” Janessa said as she headed toward a wide set of stairs. “Charli stays down here with her daughter, Layla. They’re doing Layla’s evening routine already, so you’ll have to meet her tomorrow.”
When they reached the second floor, there was a spacious landing with four doors opening off of it. The landing area also had a couple of comfy-looking loveseats, and lamps illuminated the space, giving it a cozy feel. Large windows looked out over the front yard and the houses across the street.
“My room is there.” Janessa pointed to a door that appeared to belong to a room at the rear of the house. “Yours is over here.”
She led Aria to the door she’d pointed to. The door was open, and Aria held her breath as she walked into the room and got her first glimpse of her new home.
“This is beautiful,” Aria said as she took in the dark wood sleigh bed covered with a cranberry-colored comforter.
There were navy accents around the room, including the floor to ceiling curtains that were currently closed. This room was way nicer than anything she’d ever had before, and tears pricked at her eyes. She turned away from Janessa, blinking rapidly to clear her vision.
“Charli and I had fun decorating the rooms,” Janessa said. “This house used to be a bed-and-breakfast, which is why it’s so big.” She gestured to another door in the room. “You also have your own bathroom.”
“It’s just you, your sister, and niece here?” Aria asked as they walked down the stairs to get a second load from her car.
“On a full-time basis, yes. My youngest sister, Skylar, stays with us when our parents are away. The other siblings pop in randomly.” Janessa laughed. “I suppose you should know that if you want complete privacy, it’s best you go to your room. This place can feel a bit like Grand Central Station at times. Not all the time, mind you, but it can happen without much warning.”
Aria knew Janessa’s suggestion was made because she remembered how Aria needed her space sometimes. Socialization was something she’d done only when absolutely necessary while in nursing school, and Janessa knew that.
Janessa was a tremendous help in emptying the car, and soon the bedroom held the contents of Aria’s life. Unfortunately, there was no way she had the energy to unpack anything that night.
“Did you want something to eat?” Janessa asked. “Charli made supper, and it was delish.”