Page 20 of Tearing the Sky
Lily shrugged. “It is no more or less than some of the other species here. You get used to it really quickly. Your eyes can bug out only so long.”
“So, who would be wearing an outfit like this?”
“Ladies. Upper-class females. Females who have males with a lot of money.” Lily winced. “I am not making this better.”
Iris smiled and poured a glass of water from a pitcher before passing one to her sister. “It’s fine. There wasn’t much on Hmrain companions, but they were all part of the description of an expensive, treasured pet. That’s me now.”
Lily’s expression crumpled. “Oh, Iris. Is it... horrible?”
Iris rubbed the side of her neck and jerked her hand away. “No. He is very careful and very thorough. Oh, but you have two years to pick your own guy at the colony and deactivate your birth control. I would start shopping now to see which species you are attracted to or can at least live with.”
Lily’s cheeks got pink. Iris smiled. “Nice to see your hormones survived.”
Lily paused. “You aren’t going to ask me?”
“Nope. Just like I don’t want you to ask me.” She rubbed her forehead and shrugged.
“Well, I can guess a bit of yours. Your skin still turns pink at every abrasion, and there are alotof stripes on your skin.” She swallowed. “Teeth?”
“Erm. Yes. I suppose there are.” Iris glanced down and saw some of the red marks still rising on her breasts and below her navel. “And yeah, just scraping when he got enthusiastic.”
“Wow. How hard is it to satisfy him?” Lily sipped at her water.
Iris covered her eyes. “We weren’t going to discuss this.”
“That was your rule, not mine.”
Iris sighed and mumbled, “I just have to show up naked and rub against him. He does the rest. And naked isn’t even necessary.”
Lily laughed and snorted. “The look on your face. If Madame could see you, she would explode.”
“You look embarrassed and smug all at the same time.”
Iris gulped some more water. “So, you really want to go into medical training?”
“I already got the download. I just have to apply it via simulations before I can start on live people.”
“Oh. Wow. Well, we do respond well to the downloads.”
“That is what Arluth said.” Lily pinked up when she said his name.
Iris blinked. “Wow. You like Arluth.”
“He’s nice and smart and is very good at his job.”
“He’s a detector. An assessor. He canliterallysee into your soul.”
Lily shrugged. “I don’t have anything to hide. I am just super nervous to try anything with him.”
“Sure. He will know you are up to something the moment that you make contact. How do you even find his face? Do you have species specs?”
Lily grimaced. “No. I don’t know how to ask him so I can look it up.”
Iris nodded. “I can find out.”