Page 24 of Tearing the Sky
“This isn’t a walk.” Her voice was wobbly.
“You are right, but if you look down, you will see the gardens.”
She looked down, and instead of ornamental gardens, she saw orchards, berry bushes, and organized agriculture. She grinned at her stupid idea of a garden next to a big house.
“You are laughing again,” he whispered in her ear.
“Oh, I am just comparing expectations and reality.”
“What do you think of this reality?”
“It blows expectations out of the water.”
“You will have to explain that phrase.”
They flew over acres of land, food, and herbs while she explained ocean warfare.
When he finished the overview, they went for a walk in the orchard, her hand in his.
“So this is where the city started.”
“Not quite in this form, but yes. The garden is the heart of the city, and the gardeners are those with the right to come andharvest. They know when food is ready and will benefit the most. Two of the females in your drop have agricultural leanings. They are doing their apprenticeship today.”
She saw figures up ahead. “In the orchard?”
“You are giving me a weird set of stresses and rewards.”
“I am keeping you off balance.” He chuckled.
She snorted, and they walked toward the figures who were learning the ins and outs of the orchard and new species of fruits. The talk came to a halt when they stepped up to the group.
Stephy and Leena stared at her as she walked up to them with Yavor.
The instructor and other student, who wasn’t human, both bowed. “Lord Yavor. Your ladyship.” The two girls stood still.
“Danmoth. How are the new students?”
“Doing well, my lord. The aptitude screening is working very well. Arluth should be proud of himself.”
Yavor smiled. “I am fairly sure that is not what he is feeling right now.”
Iris’s eyes opened wide. “Rude.” He turned his head to her. “Uh, my lord.”
He smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Yes, my lady?”
The two Terrans stared at each other.
“I assumed you were making a reference to sexual interaction. Apologies.”
He ran a finger down her cheek and tapped her lips. “That is the reference I intended.”
“Fine. Then it is rude that you refer to Arluth thus, as I doubt you believe he’s alone.”
“Oh, I am sure he is not.” He lazily trailed a finger down her neck.
Iris swallowed, and her neck flexed under his finger. He grinned with his teeth showing.