Page 27 of Tearing the Sky
Yavor looked at her with surprised eyes. “Of course. I suspected from some of your readouts that you were companion class, but I was too far away to send you to auction, so I insisted that you would suffer mental anguish if you were separated from your sibling and that I would take the lot at a higher than usual fee.” He chuckled. “They were delighted to take the chance of losing a diamond to get rid of the river stones.”
She stared at him.
“Of course, once a few companions were found in your species, they tried to recall you, but you had already signed on for assessment after arrival and were on your way to me.” He chuckled with a wicked tone.
She swallowed. He had suddenly gone from being the large, affable male constantly touching her to something a little more brutal than she had expected. She thought about what to do, looked at him, and walked toward him, putting her arms around his waist and her head against his chest. “Why did Steffy have to go through the air like that?”
“Because she disrespected you, and now that will be whispered through the rest of the Terran community. The bondservants often get contemptuous of one of their own kind who is in the position of Hmrain companion. I had to make things clear the moment that they began to show aggression toward you.” He tilted her head up. “Disrespect aimed at you will not be tolerated. I am guessing she was used to it.”
Iris nodded. “I didn’t mind as long as they did what I said. It was never my intention to take control over them, but that is what happened.”
He stroked her cheek. “Will you tell me how you got to the extraction team?”
She nodded. “Sure. When do you want me to start?”
She chuckled. “When in the span of the journey?”
“Begin with the disaster.”
She was about to speak when a soft knock at the door got their attention. “My lord. You asked us to notify you when dinner was ready.” It was Ren’s voice.
Yavor said, “We will be down in a moment.” He focused on her. “You are going to tell me all about you.”
“I thought you just wanted to know about my last year and a bit on Terra.”
He chuckled. “That too. Are you hungry?”
She nodded. “I am.”
“Good. Let’s go.”
She nodded, and he swept her with him, his wing at her back. They walked across the gallery and down the large staircase. The huge empty space in the centre of the manor made sense when she thought about Yavor’s wingspan.
They walked down the steps, and he held her carefully as they entered the private dining room. A butler-style attendant held her chair out, but Yavor pulled the chair around next to his larger one at the head of the table. The server paused, nodded, and then went to get their meals.
“I didn’t have to sit next to you.”
Yavor nodded. “I am aware. But, until you and I are a mated pair, I am not letting you out of my sight.”
“Mated pair?” She whispered it.
“Yes, once you have settled and we deactivate your population control, we are going to be trying for offspring. If it happens, it happens. Some Hmrain are with their companions for a century before they quicken. We can wait.”
There was a smile in his voice, and she looked at him. Yeah, he was smiling.
“How exactly is that achieved? That is something no language is privy to. There is no word for what happens.”
He leaned in, pressed his lips to his ear, and told her how it would work. She saw his gleaming teeth and shivered. “So, that’s the primer?”
“It is. The material that will do its work on your body will have to be earned via exertion.”
She shivered. “Oh. That.”
He chuckled. “Now, tell me how you came to be here. I am eager to know all about you.”
He took a small object out of his pocket. “Begin your tale, and do not stint on the details. I will hold most of my questions until the end.”