Page 3 of Tearing the Sky
He saw the med centre and kept walking. “So, there are no companion class females among your group?”
Lily blushed. “I wouldn’t say that.”
“Oh, god, no. My sister. I am pretty sure that Iris meets all the criteria. She’s bold, strong, and guys follow her around all the time. She said she shaved her head to keep her admirers away.”
He looked down. “What colour is her hair normally?”
“A gleaming gold. It used to go down her back to her hips.”
“She is physically mature?”
“She’s thirty-one, so yes.”
“Why are you telling me all of this?” He set his burden down on a scanner, and the medics took over.
“Because she is never going to do anything for her own interests. She is going to let everyone else go ahead, and she isn’t going to rest until we are all settled. It’s just the way she is. She needs someone to champion her now and then.” Lily shrugged and watched her sister, wincing at all of the red indicators that flashed up on the screen. “She always puts herself betweenme and danger. She does that with everyone she thinks needs protection.”
“Which is why she was out there in the sandstorm.” He nodded in understanding.
“She was leading us and nearly to the door when she looked back and saw Madame and Ally straggling behind. She turned around and ran back to them, which is typical.”
“So, she has no sense of self-preservation and has sustained a dozen broken bones in the last year.”
Lily twisted her lips. “Mainly ribs. A roof collapsed on her.”
“How did she survive?” He looked at the sleeping woman slowly from head to toe.
“She wouldn’t let herself die.” Lily smiled softly. “Not while I was alive to protect.”
“Interesting.” Yavor looked at the medics. “Start repairs. Her tolerance for pain is admirable but should not be necessary.”
Lily looked at him with wide eyes that were mostly blue but purple when she got intense. “Wait. You are going to fix her? How much will that cost her?”
Yavor shrugged. “One or two years of service.”
The door opened, and a sobbing female stumbled in with Rey of his guards and the older woman. Rey snorted. “This one claims injury from when her companion saved her from the storm.”
Lily sighed. “Ally. Knock it off. You are not getting into his pants.”
Yavor watched the anger flare in the sobbing woman’s eyes. Ah, one of those.
“Lily, why does she think it would be a good idea to be under a Hmrain?”
“My lord, she was told that companion class females would live in luxury and only have to work at pleasing you.” Lily curled her lip. “She has survived by being helpless if that makes sense.”
Yavor nodded and then heard the medics stirring behind him. He turned his head, and a silent Iris was fighting her medics. He looked at her sister. “Will she listen to you?”
“Not if she just woke up. The terrifying stuff always happened when we woke up.”
Yavor walked over to the treatment bed that Iris had been moved to. He clamped a hand around her throat and held her down. “Quiet, Iris. You will not come to harm. They are setting the units to repair your old injuries. You seem to charge into danger, Irith.”
She squirmed against his hand, and the same blue-purple eyes were staring at him. Rey chuckled behind him.
With her throat compressed, Iris hissed, “It’s Iris.”
Rey laughed. “Irith means fledgling.”