Page 40 of Tearing the Sky
“Wow. You don’t seem timid anymore.” Iris observed. The mountain of a Hmrain came into the room and walked up to his bondservant.
Kethen was shades of gold and brown and had about a foot in height over Yavor. He had to duck to get through the doorwaybefore he clutched Janessa in his arms. His wings and body were scarred and leathery.
Iris muttered, “How did he find you so fast, Jan?”
The Hmrain looked at her. “Scent. I can find her anywhere. Also, anyone calling me a big twit narrows down the options considerably.”
Janessa laughed. “Kethen, this is my friend and Yavor’s bonded mate, Iris. Though he pronounces it Irith.”
He chuckled. “Fledgling. Yes, that sounds like my little brother.”
Iris grunted. “Please, tell me they don’t get bigger as they age.”
The bot continued to whir on her hair.
Janessa snorted. “They don’t. They are as they were designed to be. Kethen was designed to be... whatever the hell this is.”
A sharp smack on her ass made Jan jump, and Iris giggled.
Jan asked, “How much longer until you are out of there?”
“About three hours?”
“Have Yavor call us, and we can meet for tea or something. Damn, I miss coffee.”
Iris looked at Jan, appearing tiny in the arms of her Hmrain. Jan was not a petite woman. She had been looking at a life as administration or a labourer. Her tale of how she came to be with Kethen was horrific, but they both looked happy now.
Kethen tutted. “I am working on the coffee, pet. Now, let’s get you that medical workup that you need. If you need any supplements, this is the place to find them before we keep going.”
Janessa grinned. “Iris, just have Yavor call Kethen. I should be nearby. If not, he can find me.”
Iris chuckled. “Okay, and you have to tell me where you get your clothing. I love the leather trench-coat look with the side button overtones.”
Kethen snorted. “Yavor likes a warmer climate than I do. He dresses you accordingly.”
Iris leaned back. “I will definitely see you later, Janessa. Thank you for timing your visit accordingly, Lord Kethen.”
He set Janessa on her feet. “It was Janessa that said we had to be here, and it had to be now. I am glad she made contact with you, and now I can get my back clawed up the way I like. It’s a good day.”
Jan chuckled. “Stay still, Iris. The bot is doing a great job.”
Iris smiled and said, “Fine. See you later.”
They left, and Kethen’s wings were the last thing she could see.
Janessa had survived. It was a miracle. She had been going out on a grunt transport when Iris was sent to the freezer. They had met in processing, and Iris had enjoyed being with another woman her own age. They both had given everything for family, but Iris still had family to show for it. Janessa had lost it all, and Iris had spent hours talking to her about their love of music and disdain for the newest phones.
Iris hadn’t gotten a very good look at Kethen, but if he was good enough for Janessa, he was good enough for her.
She wondered how well Yavor knew Kethen.
Iris had forgotten how heavy long hair was. She would need to exercise her neck to keep on top of it. The black and blue were mixed and formed a cape around her. She sat in the waiting room with a cup of tea, and an attendant was nearby to keep her from going exploring without her handler.
When Yavor came in, it was a relief. He glanced at her, focused, and she could see that he was tense, and it was a very particular type of tension.
She opened her mouth, but he pulled her to her feet and made fists in her hair.
“You look lovely, Irith.”