Page 13 of Swearing to Love You
“LEIF.” I scream his name as his teeth latch on to me and his cock pierces my pussy, making sure she knows who she belongs too.
“That’s right baby. Move that pussy back against your man. Fuck! I wish we didn’t have to leave. I would throw you on the floor and drill this meat into you with your knees up to your ears.”
My pussy clenches as my mind conjures the image.
“You like that I see. Like the idea of me pinning you to the floor unable to move.”
“Yes. Oh shit. Leif. I’m coming. I’m coming…” I look into the mirror as I scream those words to him and the picture that looks back at me is hot, obscene, messy and fucking beautiful. Both our faces twisted in ecstasy and lust.
“Come Maddy. Squeeze the creation of life out of my cock. SHIT!!!! I love you so fucking much baby. Yesssssssssss!!!!”
We come at the same time, screaming and holding onto each other for dear life. After we have calmed down, we get up and clean ourselves up, trying to look as presentable as possible, though neither one of us care if people can guess what we have been doing.
When we make it to the dinner, everyone we love and care about claps for us as we enter. As much as I don’t care what they think about the fact that we can’t keep our hands off each other, I still blush.
“Thank you everyone for coming to help me and the love of my life celebrate this new adventure we are going to embark on. When I saw her, Maddy, my diamond, for the first time six months ago, I knew I had found who my heart had been waiting for. I am the luckiest bastard alive that she loves me back. And that tomorrow, in front of our family and friends, we get to promise to cherish that love, for the rest of our lives. I love you, Madalyn.”
I should kick him for making me cry in front of all these people. But, my gosh, this man of mine. I lean up and wrap my arms around him and show him and everyone else, how much what he said means to me.
I opted not to have a girl’s night. Everyone is either pregnant or nursing and I am underage and cannot drink. Besides, I don’t want to be away from him any longer than I have too. He agreed and he is not having a boy’s night either. We decided to stay in after dinner, watch movies and snuggle.
Why fix what isn’t broken?
Chapter Eleven
I stand nervously at the altar awaiting my bride. I have never been this nervous before, ever. I know she’ll be here though. She is just as fucking excited to be my wife as I am to be her husband. We decided against having any attendants. We aren’t doing anything in a traditional manner at all. I am getting married in my dress uniform form the sheriff’s office. Bill Jorgensen is officiating. It just seems right, though neither of us are particularly religious. When Pachelbel’s “Canon in D Major” starts playing, I turn and get a first look at my future. Everyone stands and looks at her too. She’s gorgeous is a long, tight, white dress. The dress itself is somehow both intricate and unassuming. She seemingly floats to me. The smile on her face lights up her whole face. When she reaches me, I can’t help dipping her into a passionate kiss. Bill clears his throat.
“I haven’t gotten that far yet,” he says chuckling which causes our guests to laugh as well.
“Sorry,” I say. “Please begin.” Bill grins and does so.
“Please be seated. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Leif Larson and Madalyn Stone. Love is a crazy thing. I think most of the residents of this town can agree with that. Ephesians chapter four verse two tells us “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. There is nothing greater than this. This feeling you have when you are together will sustain you for life.” Leif, do you take Madalyn to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death parts you?”
“I do,” I say, squeezing Maddy’s hand.
“Excellent. Madalyn, do you take Leif to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death parts you?”
“I really, really, do,” she says excitedly. I chuckle.
“Rings?” Bill asks. I pull her band out of my pocket and she pulls mine off of her thumb and we set them on the open page of his well-loved Bible.
“Leif, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”
“With this ring, I thee wed,” I say sliding the ring on her delicate finger.