Page 14 of Lipstick Lies
Cohen’s eyes never left us as we headed to the front. I couldn’t tell if he was nervous or excited from this distance, but the smirk that grew as we neared didn’t bode well.
“Today, we’ll gauge your physical limits,” a man in his thirties with brown hair said as he assessed the line. “Eight laps equals a mile. Go.”
Sighing, I started running with the group as they took off. Asa looked over at me, but I could tell he was holding back. “Don’t wait on my behalf. Do your best.”
He looked pained, but nodded, picking up his pace. Milo stayed with me, but at least it seemed like it was his natural speed.
“Running is the purest form of torture,” I said after completing our first lap. Milo gave a hearty chuckle, but I didn’t miss the fact that he didn’t disagree. It looked like I’d have at least one partner in the non-workout camp. I much preferred only getting sweaty if naked bodies were involved.
I ignored the people around us, even when it seemed like others were lapping us. I didn’t even look over at Cohen, too worried about what I’d see there. Was he disappointed I wasn’t more of a kick ass girl? I could be kick butt in other ways, just not with running. It was the worst.
“One more,” Milo panted, making me feel slightly better that my chest felt like it was on fire.
Nodding because I didn’t have the breath to speak, I kept my eyes on the space in front of me. When we crossed the finish line, I collapsed to the ground, falling into a starfish. My face felt beet-red, and I had sweat in places sweat shouldn’t be. My body tingled, and my muscles ached. I was beginning to reconsider the whole agreement to do this training if it meant doingthatagain.
A body stood over me, shielding the overhead lights. Looking up, I found a hand, so I reached up, taking it. Sighing, I sat up, realizing it had been Cohen. He handed me a water bottle, and I took it eagerly, barely remembering to drink it slowly, so I didn’t make myself sick.
Once half of it was downed, I looked around, taking in the others. I was surprised when there were a few people still running. I hadn’t tracked if we were last or not but had assumed we were. Everyone else was sitting around, talking as they stretched and drank water. Most looked as bright-eyed and fresh as they did when they started. I found Asa on my other side, noticing he fit in with that crowd.
“I kind of hate you,” I said, taking a swig of my water. “You don’t even look like you broke a sweat.”
“Professional athlete, babe. It’s kind of my job. I wouldn’t be good at it if I couldn’t run a mile.”
“Ugh, you make it sound like that wasn’t hard.” I began to pout, falling back onto the floor. The guys laughed at me, Asa’s head moving over mine.
“I’m not saying it isn’t. Sorry, that came out insensitive. I just meant that I do this every day.”
Before I could retort, the man who’d taken the lead began speaking again. “Not bad. You’ll be running that every morning. Your speed should improve each day so that you've shaved minutes off your time by the end of the two weeks. Now, let’s move over to the weights. I’m going to break you into two groups. One group will work on legs and the other arms. After thirty minutes, we’ll switch. Stand when I call your name.”
He looked down at a clipboard, and I prayed that I wouldn’t be separated from Asa or Milo. He began to list names, and I breathed a little easier with each one when ours weren't called. “Michales, O’Connor, Green, Mitchell, Anderson, Guzman, Chang, Young, Lewis, and Sharp, you’re with Bishop.” They walked off toward a different section of the gymnasium before he looked down at the list. “The rest of you are with Cohen.” He nodded toward my smirking boyfriend, and I prayed this wouldn’t hurt too bad.
Who was I kidding? He’d make sure it did. I’d have to find a way to get back at him later. Thoughts of how I could punish him pushed me through the next hour as we rotated between arm and leg exercises. My body felt like jelly, but I was proud of myself for sticking it out. Asa still looked like he was one of the trainers, while Milo and I looked like the two people who’d be picked last for any group sport.
“That’s it for physical today. Most of you did well. You get a few hours break before the night training. See your group leader for where to go. Dismissed.” The leader, who I’d learned was Jack, walked off toward the locker room, a few of the other trainers following.
“I don’t think I can move,” I mumbled, attempting to pick up my arm.
Cohen chuckled before he bent over and picked me up into his arms. A few of the other recruits looked at our group as we exited, but I didn’t care. Snuggling into Cohen’s arms, I’d let him carry me wherever he wanted.
“Oh, is that so?”
Blinking, I realized I’d said that out loud, but I stood by it. “Yep.” I smiled, my eyes already closing. “Tell me that we have time for a nap before we have to meet Ryker?” I said around a yawn.
“You do, sweetheart. I’m just glad you’re not mad at me.”
“Oh, I am. I have plans of how to repay you for the torture. I’m just too tired at the moment. But it’s coming.”
I didn’t hear his response as I gave in to sleep.
* * *
After a nap and a shower,I was feeling more like myself. My muscles still hurt, but they weren’t as bad as I expected. Cohen was pouting, nervous about what torture I would give him, and offered to rub some cream into them later so that they wouldn’t be killing me tomorrow. Looking at the contents of my suitcase, I was itching to make something new, but time didn’t allow for it today. I’d have to see if there was access to a sewing machine at some point. I’d gone too long without touching one. I was having withdrawals.
Pulling out a nice pair of dark jeans, I matched it with a criss-cross top that tied in the back, leaving most of my back exposed, meaning no bra. I could get away with it since my boobs were small. Adding hoop earrings, black heels, and a drop necklace, I did one more turn in the mirror before taking in my look.
A whistle at the door had me peeking over my shoulder, finding Asa watching me. “You look amazing. I love how you can just pull an outfit together.” He walked closer, his eyes heating up as he noticed the front. “Shit. Making it through this dinner just got harder. Pun intended.” He smirked, wrapping his large hands around me.
Picking up my lipstick, I watched as Asa tracked every move I made as I finished off my look. I spread the bright red shine across my lips, feeling confident as I stared back at the person in the mirror. I hadn’t really taken stock since arriving here, mostly because I’d passed out and then was hit with more information than I could process, but taking it in now, I realized that I did feel lighter.