Page 48 of Lipstick Lies
The look seemed to work when he exhaled, resigning himself to including me. “Apologies, Fin, but when I look at you, I see the best friend to my daughter, the girlfriend to my son, the little girl who used to design costumes for every stuffed animal in her house. It’s taking me some time to remember that you’ve been through The Order training and are capable of handling yourself.”
He blew out a breath, looking upward for something. When he returned to me, he no longer looked at me like the little girl he knew from the shadows, but as a colleague. It bolstered my own confidence, and I puffed out my chest.
“All the entrances are covered by our men. The issue is that the team picked up explosives laced within the walls. If Dex feels like it, he could blow the building at any second. Most of the personnel and MKG guards have been apprehended. Some have been more than helpful in providing us with good intel on how to defuse the bombs, along with where Dex is more than likely hiding. The heat signatures only counted seven people before I entered, so we have to assume that there are at least three guards outside of Dex to contend with.”
I nodded, cycling all the information through my brain. “He’s going to fortify himself so that he can watch everything like he did at the mall. He’s not one for confrontation, especially after I—who he considers the weaker sex—humiliated him by taking him down.”
“That’s what I’m thinking too. I studied the program you made. Stellar work. I’d like to talk to you about designing something for Alpha, but we can discuss that once we’re out of here.”
My face heated, and I nodded, pleased he’d liked my tech. “So, what are we doing?”
“I’m going to the control room to find the panel to defuse the bomb. You have to decide if you want to go after Dex or the guys.”
I debated for half a second, but it was no contest for me in the end. I needed my guys back. I’d trust the rest of the team to take care of Dex. Even though it was tempting to kick his butt and slice off his penis so he couldn’t use it again.
“The guys,” I said when I remembered Samson couldn’t read minds.
He nodded, handing me a gun and pointing toward a hallway. “They’re on the bottom floor. There were two other body signatures with them, so assume they’re guards. You won’t be able to access the system without the right biometrics, so you’ll have to climb down the elevator shaft.”
Swallowing, I nodded, understanding the task. “Good luck, Samson. Thanks for coming.”
“Always, honey. You’re family.” He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before sprinting in the opposite direction he’d pointed for me. It took me a second to recalibrate myself to the fact that Agent Buttface had just kissed me on the forehead, but it seemed once he’d found his family and been reunited with the love of his life, he wasn’t such a butthole anymore. Which was good for me since he’d be my father-in-law one day.
Shit. I wanted to marry Asa.
“Fin? You there?” I heard my watch say, and I wondered if Asa had heard me think that.
“Um, yeah. So, change of plans. I’m going after the guys, and your dad is going to defuse a bomb. How badass is he?” I asked, peering around the corner before I sprinted. There was still one guard unaccounted for, so I couldn’t be too careless.
“Did you just say my dad was badass? I don’t know if I should be jealous or impressed you actually cussed.”
“Hey, I cuss. I just use it sparingly so that you know it’s important when I do,” I huffed, running toward the next hallway.
I could hear Milo and Asa laughing, and I knew they were helping me focus by giving me something else to concentrate on.
“You’re clear. No other heat signatures on the first floor. Samson has moved into position on the third floor,” Milo said, and I raced toward the elevator.
Stepping into it, I peered up at the ceiling and instantly knew I couldn’t reach it. Running back onto the floor, I found a chair behind a desk and picked it up. Returning to the elevator with the chair in tow, I positioned it under the hatch. Looking at my boots, I knew there was no way I’d be able to make it with them on, so with a regretful sigh, I pulled them off and shoved the last can of gas into them before tossing them out of the elevator. Maybe I could pick them up later? They were designer, after all.
Balancing myself on the chair, I slid the hatch open and managed to lift myself up into it using the arms. It began to wobble, but thankfully, I’d worked on my core and arm strength the past few weeks with training. Otherwise, I’d be stuck down there trying to find a rope or something while everyone around me died. Morbid thoughts there, Fin. I could never let Asa know that I was thankful for sweating or he’d never let me live it down.
Taking a second to catch my breath, I stood up and peered around the shaft. I almost wept for joy when I saw the little ladder on the wall. Walking to it, I was happy to find it was clear of the elevator, so I wouldn’t get smushed if it started. It would be terrifying to climb down it, but I’d be out of harm’s way for the most part. At least, that was what I told myself as I descended down to the lower floor.
Landing on my feet, I stood in front of the elevator doors and hoped they were easier to pry open than I imagined them to be. Pushing them apart with my fingers, I cried out when my nail broke, the doors barely budging. Cheese on toast!
Glancing around, I needed to find something to give me leverage. When I spotted a toolbox and a crowbar sitting against the wall, I welled up with tears at the discovery. Grabbing them, I pried the crowbar between the two doors, and using all of my weight, I pushed against the bar, crying out in joy when they opened enough for me to wedge between them.
Climbing out, I laid on the floor for a few seconds while I caught my breath. Holy pajamas, this spy stuff was hard work. No wonder everyone was so buff.
When my breathing returned to normal, I sat up and glanced around. I could only see a hallway, but it gave me a creepy vibe, and I dreaded having to go down it. Rising up, I began to stalk down it on my padded feet, remembering there were two other people down here with my guys. When I was a few doors down, I could hear talking.
Pausing to listen, I stayed still as I tried to hear what they were saying.
“We should just go. Something isn’t right. It’s been too quiet,” a voice said.
“Boss wouldn’t leave us.”
“You sure about that? Okay, new plan, you have the key; let's get out of here and see what’s going on,” Cohen said.